The Limited Times

Naim is waiting for help from Germany: Terrifying scenes at Kabul airport

8/19/2021, 4:05:42 PM

A man from Weilheim is still waiting in Kabul to be flown out of Afghanistan. At the airport, however, he was violently turned back by the Americans.

A man from Weilheim is still waiting in Kabul to be flown out of Afghanistan.

At the airport, however, he was violently turned back by the Americans.

Weilheim / Kabul

- People are rushing to the entrance of Hamid Karzai Airport.

Security forces point their weapons at them and fire warning shots into the air.

Children scream and cry, soldiers beat men and women until they finally withdraw.

The recordings that Bernhard Santiago Kuhn received from the Weilheim association “Lebensarchitektur” in Kabul are disturbing.

In the capital of Afghanistan, Naim Muradi and his wife Adena are still waiting to be flown to Germany.

After our report, a young woman from Munich called in, whose father is also waiting in Kabul for the evacuation.

According to Bernhard Santiago Kuhn, the man completed several risk missions in counter-terrorism - and is therefore in particular danger.

“I was able to talk to him on the phone, he's completely desperate.

He risked his life for Germany, now it looks like he will be left there. ”The man whom Kuhn calls“ Elias ”sent the videos of the conditions at the North Gate of the airport, to which the Germans sent by compatriot letter had been ordered.

Weilheimer tried in vain to get into Kabul airport

“Naim and Adena have tried several times in the last few days, although they are afraid,” says Kuhn. He and the friends from Weilheim had to persuade the 32-year-old to get on their way despite the danger of falling into the hands of the Taliban. “But they were always turned back at the airport. The Americans abused them when Naim showed them his German passport and sent them home. ”Adena Muradi was slightly injured in the clashes in front of the airport: She suffered hearing damage because she was standing next to a soldier who was holding his weapon fired multiple times.

What both "Elias" and Naim Muradi complain is that there are apparently no German-speaking security personnel at the gate.

Kuhn: “It would be so important that they have contact persons.

It can't be that the Americans are allowed to choose which German is flown out. ”He blames the Foreign Office for the fact that nothing has happened in the Naim Muradi case.

“None of us would have thought that Germany was so weak.

That leaves us speechless. "

Naim case: Alexander Dobrindt speaks of a "depressing situation"

To make matters worse, in the case of the Weilheimer, his wife is not German. Alexander Dobrindt, a direct candidate in the Bundestag election and CSU regional group leader in the Bundestag, has also heard of the case. "This is one of the most difficult issues on the ground in Afghanistan," he said. "How do we deal with German citizens who have an Afghan spouse?" These groups of people would be stopped at the checkpoints at the airport. “It's a depressing situation,” said Dobrindt. Lessons must be drawn from the events in Afghanistan: “The belief that our liberal democracy can be enforced anywhere in the world is reaching its limits. There has to be more realism. "

The reality in Kabul, meanwhile, seems to be that the Germans who remain there are dependent on the goodwill of the Americans.

“It's like being in a cattle shed,” complains Bernhard Santiago Kuhn, “the Americans shoot around and hit people.

It is the duty of the Foreign Office to help. ”The Foreign Office could not be reached yesterday to comment.

By the way: All developments and results for the upcoming federal election from your region as well as all other important stories from the Weilheim-Penzberg region are now also available in our regular Weilheim-Penzberg newsletter.

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