The Limited Times

Doctor affirms that no monoclonal treatment replaces the vaccine against covid-19 | Video | CNN

8/20/2021, 2:59:23 AM

The associate director of the Infectious Diseases program at the University of Miami, Dr. José Gonzáles Zamora, explains in an interview with María Alejandra Requena | World | CNN

The associate director of the Infectious Diseases program at the University of Miami, Dr. José Gonzáles Zamora, explains in an interview with María Alejandra Requena what monoclonal antibody treatments are, which would be implemented in the states of Texas and Florida to combat covid-19 . He also argued that no medical treatment replaces the vaccine against this disease. This Thursday, hospitalizations in the US increased by 30% more in children and adults ages 30 to 39, according to data from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC, for its acronym in English).

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