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Escape from Kabul continues: 18,000 Afghans evacuated, thousands still at the airport - Walla! news

8/20/2021, 5:47:18 AM

Against the background of international criticism of the West's conduct in the crisis, a NATO source said the ambition was to redouble the efforts to rescue Afghans from the country.

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The fall of Afghanistan

Escape from Kabul continues: 18,000 Afghans have been evacuated, thousands still at the airport

Against the background of international criticism of the West's conduct in the crisis, a NATO source said the ambition was to redouble the efforts to rescue Afghans from the country.


  • Afghanistan

  • Taliban


Friday, 20 August 2021, 08:30 Updated: 08:38

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More than 18 thousand people have been evacuated from Afghanistan through Kabul airport since the Taliban took over the city - said today (Friday) makes NATO. According to him, the intention to double the recovery effort. This is the background to the conduct of international criticism of the West in crisis.

According to the source, Unfamiliar with his name, thousands of people are still crowding the airport, desperate to escape the country.The

speed with which the Taliban conquered Afghanistan in parallel with the withdrawal of foreign forces from the country surprised even the organization's leaders. Convince the public not to leave the country amid the chaotic images from the airport, protests and reports of violence.

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Civilians hand over baby at Kabul airport to US military forces to evacuate him from Afghanistan, yesterday (Photo: Reuters, OMAR HAIDARI)

An eyewitness told Reuters that several people were killed in the eastern city of Assabad as Taliban militants fired on protesters expressing their support for the collapsing Afghan republic, in light of the organization's intentions to establish Islamic State-controlled statements in the country.

Similar phenomena have occurred in other cities across the country.

Meanwhile, United States National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan said in an interview with NBC that the United States is focused on preparing for the possibility that an organization such as the Islamic State (ISIS) or another group will lead a terrorist attack in the background of the evacuation.

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In the video: Talbian leader returns to Afghanistan after 20 years in exile (Photo: Reuters)

Since the occupation of Kabul, the Taliban have tried to present a more moderate face, saying they are interested in peace, that they will not retaliate against fighters on the other side and respect the rights of women in the country, within the framework of Islamic law.

However, a Norwegian intelligence group reported that the Taliban had begun preparing a blacklist of Afghans linked to the previous administration and the American forces that supported it.

U.S. Congressman Jason Crowe also claimed that the organization uses documents from an Afghan intelligence agency to identify civilians who worked for the United States.

The organization did not respond to these allegations.

In addition, reports from several local journalists have raised doubts about the promise to maintain free communication under the new regime.

Amnesty International also claimed that the Taliban had murdered nine Hazara members - an ethnic minority living across the country.

This raised concerns about the attitude of the organization, whose members are Sunni Muslims, towards the Shiite group for the most part.

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