The Limited Times

Tesla and Elon Musk Announce Humanoid Robot | Israel today

8/22/2021, 12:58:13 PM

Ayalon Musk is not boring. While he was on his way to land people on Mars and develop a train on Sonic he also found time to announce the company's first humanoid robot. Tesla Bot

Anyone who has ever seen a science fiction movie in their life understands well that much of what seems like a distant dream while watching the movie, does indeed become sustainable technology at one stage or another of humanity, and there is nothing like humanoid robots to express our great hope on one hand and great apprehension Most of us on the other hand.

After watching dog-like robots and robots that are starting to look like humans, Elon Musk and his Tesla company are taking the important vision - one step further when he announced this week the first Tesla-made robot.

The Tesla Bot is designed, according to the company, to replace humans during the course of performing work that is dangerous or, alternatively, too trivial for us.

The robot rises to a height of 1.72 meters when it weighs 58 kg - dimensions designed to give it a look that is not too threatening or intimidating (yet it is not a war robot) and it can move at a maximum speed of 8 km / h, meaning the average person can escape from it with a light run .

The robot will incorporate no less than 40 special sensors that will be installed in the arms and legs and a few more in the neck and back.

On stage Musk presented a robot as an example of the future product, however it was a dysfunctional model that was only meant to illustrate the size and perspective of the future robot.

The plan is to introduce a functional prototype as early as next year and then function trials will begin in specific sectors where its capabilities can be tested.

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