The Limited Times

Death of Rabbi Daniel Farhi, a figure of liberal Judaism in France

8/23/2021, 2:40:58 PM

Anti-Nazi activist alongside husband Klarsfeld, Daniel Farhi, who died at the age of 79, is behind the Names Reading Day

Founder of the Liberal Jewish Movement of France (MJLF), Rabbi Daniel Farhi died at the age of 79.

One of his sons, himself a rabbi and the liberal Jewish community announced his death in Nice on social networks.

Rabbi of the ULIF (Union liberal Israelite de France) of the Copernicus synagogue in Paris, in 1977 he was the founder of the MJLF which he led for more than 35 years.

"He developed like no other liberal Judaism that he renewed and made known to a large number", estimated in a statement Judaism in motion (JEM), signed in particular by Rabbi Floriane Chinsky.

It was he who was at the origin of the Day for reading the names of Jewish deportees from France during Yom Hashoah (Holocaust Remembrance Day).

"He made the French and the public authorities aware of the extent of the Shoah in France", according to JEM, according to which "his commitment was at the origin of a new look at this period and the recognition of debt of France vis-à-vis the missing.


Rabbi Delphine Horvilleur, whose voice goes well beyond the Jewish community, welcomes her commitment to "bear witness to history, so that criminals are no longer absolved", according to a sermon written by the deceased.

An anti-Nazi activist alongside the Klarsfeld husbands, he was detained for a week in Cologne in 1975 after demanding the trial of Nazi criminals.

Daniel Farhi was made an officer of the Legion of Honor in January 2012.

In 2015, he had benefited from a dismissal in the investigation which had earned him in 2012 an indictment for sexual assault on a minor.

He was delighted by the voice of his lawyer that his "innocence" had been "noted and judicially recognized".