The Limited Times

Hard to recognize? Drastic change in eBay classifieds is likely to come

8/23/2021, 1:50:01 PM

Whether precious or just before the bulky waste: On eBay classified ads you can find a lot of what a person needs. However, the portal could change soon.

Whether precious or just before the bulky waste: On eBay classified ads you can find a lot of what a person needs.

However, the portal could change soon.

Kleinmachnow - Everyone has probably used the app at least once in their life.

To get rid of unwanted items before moving, or to furnish your new place with a particularly nice bargain.

eBay Classifieds is the place to do just that.

But will the platform still be recognized in the future?

eBay Classifieds: These changes are inevitable

Because around a year ago eBay classifieds was sold to the Norwegian online marketplace Adevinta - for a total of 9.2 billion US dollars.

The price sounds enormous at first, but it can be explained by the company's potential.

Because the classifieds business moved to the Internet years ago, and the sections in print newspapers are getting smaller and smaller.

The users probably didn't even notice the sale because nothing changed on the platform itself.

Paul Heimann, who works as Managing Director of eBay Classifieds at the European location in Kleinmachnow in Brandenburg, also notices that many people do not know the difference between eBay and the eBay classifieds division: “Customers on the street sometimes say eBay when they are actually classified ads say."

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eBay classifieds brand new: What will the platform look like in the future?

But these mix-ups will soon be a thing of the past, because by purchasing the online giant, Adevinta agreed to a basic condition.

"For a period of three years we can use the eBay classifieds brand name as it is - with the logo and everything that goes with it," explains Heimann.

That would mean that serious changes could be expected for the loyal shopping fans.

Because one thing is clear: After the deadline, the owners of the online market worth billions would have to consider a new branding in this case.

This would probably be the case by 2024 at the latest. What exactly is planned for this is still unclear, however. It is quite possible, however, that a new design will come that will surely surprise some users - and that it will take a while to get used to it.