The Limited Times

A teenager was hit by the train in Villa 21-24, after saving her 3-year-old brother

8/24/2021, 5:20:55 PM

The 15-year-old girl slipped on the tracks, but managed to push the boy so that he was not hit by the locomotive.

08/24/2021 2:14 PM

  • Clarí

  • Society

Updated 08/24/2021 2:14 PM

The case generated shock and pain among the residents of

Villa 21-24

de Barracas: a 15-year-old teenager was run over by the freight train that passes through the neighborhood, seconds after saving her three-year-old brother from the impact.

The episode

occurred last Friday at 10.30

, but it was known in the last hours.

According to police sources, Luján Sofía Caballero López and her little brother would have tried to cross the tracks on the side, in an area where the Ferrosur company formation, a freight train concessioned by the Roca line, passes a few centimeters from the boxes.

In these extreme conditions for the inhabitants, the mother of the minor, named Ramona, informed the Federal Police personnel that

Luján slipped on the tracks when the train approached

block 7 of the neighborhood, which caused it to be overwhelmed by the unit.

But according to witnesses,

the young woman would have managed to push her brother earlier to

prevent him from also being hit.

Aware of the news, the residents of Villa 21-24 issued a statement to demand justice, demand for the integration of the neighborhood and prevent the train from continuing to pass as it currently does twice a day through those narrow and unsafe passages.

The statement released by the residents of Villa 21-24.

"No pasa más"

, was the title of the statement released by the organizations of Villa 21-24, its Neighborhood Council and the Church of Caacupé on behalf of the neighbors.


For decades our lives

, and especially that of our children,

have been exposed

to the danger of a freight train that crosses our neighborhood from end to end twice a day. For decades we have been demanding for the urban integration of our neighborhood, land use planning, for access to a decent habitat that offers health and safety for our lives, "they claimed. 

Along the same lines, the neighbors recalled that they have already had "too many accidents, damages, injuries and losses", so that at the end of the letter they went to the authorities to inform them that

"as of today the train will not be in our neighborhood. spend more "



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