The Limited Times

Green Pass: sources, government amendment for 12 months extension

8/24/2021, 4:51:00 PM

On the occasion of the conversion in the Chamber to the Chamber of the decree on the Green Pass of 6 August, the executive will present - according to government sources - an amendment for the extension of the green certificate from 9 to 12 months from the second dose. (HANDLE)

(ANSA) - ROME, AUGUST 24 - On the occasion of the conversion in the Chamber to the Chamber of the decree on the Green Pass of August 6, the executive will present - according to government sources - an amendment for the extension of the green certificate from 9 to 12 months from the second dose . That is, until after the end of the year for those who received the administration first, particularly healthcare workers, and then for the others.

   The discussion will then move on to the Senate where it is expected to conclude by mid-September. In line with the times - it was underlined - of a decision on the third dose by the regulatory bodies. Meanwhile, the opinion of the Cts is awaited. (HANDLE).