The Limited Times

Louan, 13, becomes a Twitter darling by imitating TV presenters

8/24/2021, 1:33:34 PM

The young "passionate about France Info" posted a video online where he presents the headlines. It has been seen 1.3 million times in a few days.

For TV presenters, the next generation is already there, and his name is Louan.

The 13-year-old caused a sensation on Twitter by posting a video of himself, where he takes the place of a news host.

The tone assured and with a perfect diction, the "

passionate of France Info

", presents the headlines of the news.

This service did not go unnoticed. The video was viewed 1.3 million times in three days and shared by 6,500 people. In the comments, messages of encouragement rain down from journalists or presenters. The director of France Info herself, Sophie Guillin, came across the sequence. "

I found it very cute, even if you can see the tics of news channel presenters,"

explains the director

. What is fascinating is this young boy's interest in journalism, even beyond presentation


For his part, the teenager welcomes his new popularity humbly.

People congratulate me, give me advice.

That makes me very happy.

But it feels a little weird overnight, I admit that it's difficult to manage,

”he explains to France Bleu.

Invited to the morning of France Info

One thing leading to another, the sequence ended up reaching Laurent Guimier, the news director of France Télévisions.

The excerpt seduced the boss, to the point that he proposed to Louan to attend a morning show of France Info.

He will go on the set alongside Samuel Etienne on September 1st.

The date is not chosen at random, it will be "

an important day for the global media [France Info] which will celebrate its 5th anniversary

", according to Laurent Guimier.

Samuel Etienne says he is "

very happy

" to welcome the seed of a journalist, but adds with a touch of humor: "

Just do not steal my place too quickly, I still have a few years to contribute
