The Limited Times

Third dose of anti-Covid vaccine: who are the 6 million eligible people as of Monday, August 30?

8/24/2021, 5:50:56 PM

People over 80 and people most at risk of developing a severe form of Covid-19 are the first to be affected by the third

This time, the fridges are full and the hunt for doses promises to be easier than at the start of 2021. The Ministry of Health on Tuesday specified the terms of the start of the recall campaign among those over 80 years old and people at very high risk of severe form of Covid-19.

This will be a third dose of messenger RNA vaccine (Moderna or Pfizer) or a second for people who have recovered from the coronavirus before their first vaccination.

While the High Authority for Health (HAS) is planning a campaign aimed at all over 65s, by the end of October, the "first circle" remains that mentioned for several weeks by the executive.

In addition to the elderly, for whom vaccination coverage is around 85% (at least one dose), the list includes people with cancer undergoing treatment, people with Down's syndrome, transplant patients or patients on dialysis. .

This public represents 5 million people, to which must be added 1 million vaccinated with Janssen.

This monodose serum must now be supplemented by an injection of Pfizer or Moderna due to “insufficient protection (…) against symptomatic forms linked to the Delta variant” according to the HAS.

A dedicated box on Doctolib

"The appointment will begin Monday, August 30, with injections in stride, from September 1," said the Ministry of Health.

Doctolib, the main online appointment booking platform, tells us that a box will be dedicated in its search criteria to access dedicated slots in vaccination centers.

Read also Covid-19: France, United States, Israel ... these countries which bet on a 3rd dose of vaccine, despite criticism from the WHO

To be eligible, in addition to age or comorbidities, it will also be necessary to justify a period of six months after the last injection of the primary vaccination for AstraZeneca, Pfizer or Moderna, or four weeks after a Janssen injection. .

In nursing homes and long-term care units, “orders can be placed from August 30 and deliveries will begin on September 10, for injections from 11”.

The Ministry of the Economy is confident about the possibility of responding to the new demand: “There has been no tension on supplies over the past few months.

They will allow the vaccination campaign to continue and the recall campaign to begin.

A total of 44 million doses are expected in August and September.

Not necessary for the health pass

When everyone under 65 becomes eligible, 12 million potential applicants will be added.

At what date, when the HAS evokes the end of October?

“At this stage, all the arbitrations are not made, indicates the Rue de Ségur.

For certain age categories, this will be mechanically staggered over time, due to the six-month period required after the end of the primary vaccination.


Important clarification, the booster remains an option proposed, but not imposed so that the vaccination remains complete.

Asked about the need for a third dose to keep a valid health pass in eligible people, the Ministry of Health remains measured: “The answer, at this stage, is rather no.
