The Limited Times

Patriotic and lyrical poems in a poetry evening of the Homs Literary Salon

8/25/2021, 9:04:01 PM

Homs-SANA The poetry evening hosted by the updated cultural center in Al-Zahraa neighborhood today, with lyrical poems and wat


The poetry evening hosted by the updated cultural center in Al-Zahraa neighborhood today was filled with lyrical and patriotic poems presented by poets from the Homs Literary Salon.

And the evening began with “Muhammad Al-Abdullah” with a vertical poem entitled “The Mother of Feelings,” making it a platform to display his poetic abilities and that he considers the sun his poetry and the wheat of the earth his title.

Bara’a Jaafar shared two poems in the Bedouin dialect, titled “Rahat Sunna” and “Doublet Ayoun Habibi”.

In turn, "Kinaina Diab" participated in several prose poems, including "Mr. Habibi.. Perfume without roses.. Waiting.. a woman with perfume."

“Hyam Awad” presented a vertical patriotic poem entitled “I am the Syrian” that tells about Syria and its suffering and the pride of its people in it and their willingness to resist and defend it, as well as two poems entitled “The Dawn is Coming” and sentimental and “Paradise”.

“Nasser Tareya” presented a zajli poem “meaning” “your dress” in which he spun with the beauty of the beloved, while Mahmoud Mansour portrayed in his poem “The Wine of Wajd” a state of love and infatuation.

The evening was concluded by Hawash Al-Saleh with a sentimental poem titled “The House of Reason”.

 Lara Ahmed