The Limited Times

Seine-Maritime: the thesis of a privileged "accidental death" after the death of a student near Rouen

8/25/2021, 7:12:40 PM

The 24-year-old was found dead in his bedroom by his mother on August 18. A drama that has fueled a large number of theses as well as the anger of those close to him.

One week to the day after the discovery of the lifeless body of a young man of 24 at his parents' home in Bihorel (Seine-Maritime), the Rouen prosecutor's office, which opened an investigation into the causes of death , said Wednesday in a statement that the thesis of an "

accidental death

" was privileged.

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"At this stage of the investigation, the intervention of a third party seems to be able to be ruled out [...] subject to the medical and technical investigations still in progress"

, detailed Corrine Gérard, the deputy prosecutor of Rouen.

And the magistrate to specify that the Public Prosecutor will not communicate any other "


", since it falls within the private sphere, without penal or procedural connotation.

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For several days, various local sources have reported suspicious circumstances in the death of Gabriel L., a pharmacy student. The latter would have been found

"lying on his bed with a charlotte on his head, intubated, his body on a drip and with a urinary catheter placed"

according to

Paris Normandie

. In his room, a pile of surgical instruments were also found. An unplugged artificial respirator and two phones plugged into batteries were reportedly placed close to the body. According to

France Bleu Normandie

, the hypothesis of a role-playing game with a sexual connotation had also been studied by investigators from the Departmental Security of Seine-Maritime, as was the intervention of a third party.

"It is scandalous to reveal such lies"

Allegations firmly contested by Frédéric Vavdin, the uncle and godfather of the young man, who confided in our colleagues from La Dépêche and Le Parisien.

“It is scandalous to reveal such lies.

It was his mother who found him Thursday evening, lifeless in front of his computer, in his room.

All the details relayed by the local media and repeated in a loop by the other media are false.

The surgical tools found next to the body, as well as the perfusion and intubation, are linked to the intervention of medical teams and firefighters who came on site after the call of the mother who gave the alert ”

, s' is indignant this man, also urologist surgeon in Carcassonne (Aude).

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Regarding the suicide thesis, mentioned again by several local sources, Gabriel's uncle does not believe it either.

“Gabriel left no message,

he reminded the Parisian.

He was full of life, he had friends, everything was fine and he had no medical history


Investigations are still ongoing.

Post-autopsy analyzes must be carried out and their results will not be known for several days, said the prosecution.

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