The Limited Times

Tomorrow: The Supreme Court will announce whether Zadorov will be placed under house arrest Israel today

8/25/2021, 8:45:50 PM

Supreme Court Justice Alex Stein is expected to announce his decision on whether to release the veteran prisoner under house arrest or leave him behind bars.

The case of the murder of the girl Tair Rada in December 2006 will reach a new high tomorrow at 10:00:

Supreme Court Justice Alex Stein is expected to announce his decision on whether to accept the state's appeal and leave Zadorov behind bars, or to reject him and allow him to go to his home for the first time. Of electronic handcuffs until his trial is decided.

Half an hour later, a hearing will begin in the Nazareth District Court on the state's request to delay for another month the renewed indictment that the State Attorney's Office wants to file against him.

As you may recall, the Nazareth District Court earlier this month ordered the release of Roman Zadorov from prison under restrictive conditions, so that the retrial will take place when he is under house arrest with electronic handcuffs. This is despite strong opposition from the State Attorney's Office, which claimed danger. The conditions set by Judge Arafat Taha for release included, apart from the electronic restraint, 24-hour supervision and approval of any departure from the house, which will be accompanied by an inspector determined by him. Zadorov will also be required to deposit hundreds of thousands of shekels.

About two weeks later, the state filed an appeal on the matter. The state argued in the appeal that one of Zadorov's sentences was to remain in custody behind bars during the retrial, in view of the danger posed by him and the inherent fear of escape. As stated tomorrow the Supreme Court is expected to decide on the issue.

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