The Limited Times

He saw the news of a femicide on TV: it was his sister's

8/26/2021, 8:13:30 PM

Karen Bustamante (19) was killed by Rodrigo Germán Rivero (20), who harassed her and is a fugitive. Natalia Iocco 08/26/2021 4:55 PM Clarí Police Updated 08/26/2021 4:55 PM "I hope that Justice does what it has to do, that God gives him the true punishment he deserves, which is much more than what I could do to him. But I want them to find him, " asks Ezequiel Bustamante, who has just fired her younger sister in the Moreno cemetery. On Monday he saw the news of a femicide on TV and talk

Natalia Iocco

08/26/2021 4:55 PM

  • Clarí

  • Police

Updated 08/26/2021 4:55 PM

"I hope that Justice does what it has to do, that God gives him the true punishment he deserves, which is much more than what I could do to him. But

I want them to find him,

" asks Ezequiel Bustamante, who has just fired her younger sister in the Moreno cemetery.

On Monday he saw the news of a femicide on TV and talked with his co-workers about the brutality of the crime, as if it had happened to someone else.

Shortly after, her mother recognized Karen Daiana Bustamante (19) in the images that were broadcast on television channels.

They saw the diver, the hair, what you could see on his face, the way he walked, and the desperation to confirm something they would have preferred never to hear.

The pain for Karen Bustamante in Moreno.

Photo Germán García Adrasti.

The family went to the 1st police station.

of Moreno, where they were shown photos, images and gave them details that only confirmed that the body they had found in an abandoned party room was Karen's.

They found him in Belgrano at 600, just the same place where this Thursday from 3:00 p.m. they concentrated to demand justice for the crime and to find the suspect, identified as 

Rodrigo Germán Rivero (20).

Who was the victim

Karen had worked in a fast food house and also in a stall at the Moreno fair that her mother attended.

On the day of the femicide, in the afternoon, she had to start making deliveries for a beverage distributor to add income to her house.

"He was going to come in the afternoon to teach him how to do the bills," he tells


Ezequiel, who still can't believe what they did with his sister.

The demand for justice of the relatives and friends of Karen Bustamante, in Moreno. Photo Germán García Adrasti.

The teenager was studying the CBC to enter the Law School of the University of Buenos Aires.

About five months ago he had separated from a former partner and had returned with Liliana González, his mother.

On Karen and Rodrigo's last night, the researchers were able to reconstruct the sequence.

"They came from the area of ​​Merlo, where they were in a pool from which they were thrown out due to an incident with people who were in the place. From there they took a bus and arrived at the center of Moreno, where for several hours they toured different bars and pools. ", they pointed out.

Karen Bustamante, 19, murdered in Moreno.


It can't be that they keep killing women like nothing, every day

. I don't know if something is going to change, because they would have to change a lot of things for this to stop, but I need them to find him and pay for what he did to my sister, "insists Ezequiel.

Rivero has tickets to the police station for theft, but also a history of violence reported by the mother of his daughter, a 20-year-old girl.

In June 2019, the first complaint had been registered.

The young woman got a perimeter restriction of approach that she later canceled because she returned with him.

A year later they registered a new request for help: Rivero did not allow his ex to leave the house with his daughter and had to call a patrol car because he

threatened to kill her with a knife


Rodrigo Rivero, suspect in the femicide of Karen Daiana Bustamante (19), in Moreno.

The complaints did not advance, but the circle of violence did. 

"We thought that she did not know him, that she had met him at that pool or on the Internet. But at the wake they told us many things that we are going to take to the prosecution. Karen's ex-boyfriend told us that he had

been persecuting her for years. , since she was 15 that drove her crazy

. She had gone with her boyfriend to Mariano Acosta, she changed her cell phone, all to get away from this kid. But she broke up and you can see that in the end she ended up being pressured with him, "she tries to reconstruct Ezequiel.

The rumors of the neighbors, the messages saying that he is in Merlo or in Castelar, later in San Martín, disturbed the last goodbye of the family.

"On top of that we have to go through all this, we had problems getting the body to be handed over to us, people tell us about everything. We don't know what to believe. We ask those who see it to please come to the police, call 911 or the prosecution, so that they investigate and find him once and for all, "begs Ezequiel.

Tears and pain in the march by Karen Bustamante, in Moreno.

Photo Germán García Adrasti.

The crime

Security camera videos were key in determining what happened to Karen Bustamante.

At the Moreno-General Rodríguez DDI and at the 1st police station.

de Moreno, they discovered the journey made by the victim and the femicide.

His journey from Merlo, the night in the pool talking with other people and the search for a new place to end the night.

Also, the walk in which Rivero is seen hurrying away and picking up rubble and a tile from the street that he kept in his pocket.

A woman, who they later discovered was Karen, was chasing him from behind in a hurry.

Later, Rivero

took a glass bottle

, the same one that he used to cut his victim and that he left broken at the crime scene.

Karen's killer is on the run. Photo Germán García Adrasti.

Finally, he is seen discarding a bloody rubble wrapped in a bag and which ended up being kidnapped by the experts.

They believe that was the blunt object with which he struck the victim in the face and head.

"We have a last sequence of videos where we see the murderer get on a bus to Luján's side, but from which he got off at eight blocks, and began to walk erratically until we lose sight of him," he told


another of the researchers.

At seven in the morning, a trans woman walked to the entrance of an abandoned party room and found Karen, who was already dead.

According to the autopsy result, he died from blows to the head and had cuts on his neck and face.

March on the 1st police station.

of Moreno.

Photo Germán García Adrasti.

Gender violence

Between January 1 and July 31, 2021, 155 femicides, 9 transfemicides and 13 linked femicides of men were registered, according to a report by the “Adriana Marisel Zambrano” Observatory of Femicides in Argentina, who directs La Casa del Encuentro.

This week alone, two other female victims of femicide died, in addition to a 2-year-old baby.

On Tuesday, in Mendoza, a 15-year-old teenager was stabbed and hit with a brick.

They arrested a 14-year-old schoolmate. 

On Sunday night, in the Obrero neighborhood of Puerto Vilelas, Chaco, Carolina Escalante (32) and Daira Escalante (2) were murdered by 32-year-old Darío Gabriel Maidana, who hanged them and then committed suicide.