The Limited Times

Afghanistan: the well-known journalist of ToloNews leaves the country

8/30/2021, 2:13:38 PM

Arghand made history with an interview with a Taliban exponent (ANSA)  Beheshta Arghand, the journalist of the Afghan network ToloNews who two weeks ago made history with her interview with a senior Taliban leader, has left Afghanistan. CNN writes it today.     The news of her interview had gone around the world, not least because the country's first 24/7 news had brought a woman back to her screen. And two days later Arghand had made another scoop, interviewing Mal

 Beheshta Arghand, the journalist of the Afghan network ToloNews who two weeks ago made history with her interview with a senior Taliban leader, has left Afghanistan.

CNN writes it today.

    The news of her interview had gone around the world, not least because the country's first 24/7 news had brought a woman back to her screen.

And two days later Arghand had made another scoop, interviewing Malala Yousafzai, the Pakistani activist and Nobel laureate who survived an attempted murder in 2012 by the Pakistani Taliban.

    Arghand was opening a trail, but his work was suspended: he decided to leave Afghanistan citing the dangers facing journalists and the entire population. In a message sent to CNN via WhatsApp, in fact, Arghand admitted: "I left the country because, like millions of people, I fear the Taliban".

    For his part, the owner of ToloNews, Saad Mohseni, commented that the case of Arghand is emblematic of the situation in Afghanistan: "Almost all of our well-known reporters and journalists are gone," Mohseni told the US broadcaster. "We are working like crazy to replace them with new people," he added.