The Limited Times

Covid resets the Basaglia Law, how to restart - Magazine

8/30/2021, 2:56:55 PM

Mental health in Italy was not in good health before Covid-19. During the pandemic, the situation inevitably worsened. As WHO wrote: "The mental health and well-being of entire societies have been severely affected by this crisis and are a priority to be addressed urgently." In this Magazine we will try to tell, with the help of an innovative expert in the sector such as Renzo De Stefani, national

Mental health in Italy was not in good health before Covid-19. During the pandemic, the situation inevitably worsened. As WHO wrote: "The mental health and well-being of entire societies have been severely affected by this crisis and are a priority to be addressed urgently." In this Magazine we will try to tell, with the help of an innovative expert in the sector such as Renzo De Stefani, national referent of the Le Parole Regatta movement, the status quo and understand how the crisis can reshuffle the cards and bring to completion the revolution that has begun more than forty years ago by Franco Basaglia. Then there will be the video testimony of Monica Zatti of Iseo, a user who has returned border line due to the pandemic, and of Giovanni Fiori from Rome, father of a user and activist convinced of the 'Fareassieme'.
