The Limited Times

Media, Navalny's spokesperson has left Russia

8/30/2021, 2:22:27 PM

Navalny's spokesperson, Kira Yarmysh, has left Russia. Interfax reports it. "Yarmysh has left the territory of the Russian Federation," one of the sources told Interfax. Another source specified that "she left for Helsinki". (HANDLE)

(ANSA) - MOSCOW, AUG 30 - Navalny's spokesperson, KiraYarmysh, has left Russia. Interfax reports it.

   "Yarmysh has left the territory of the Russian Federation," one of the sources told Interfax. Another source specified that "she left for Helsinki". The Preobrazhensky Court in Moscow on August 16 sentenced Yarmysh to one and a half years of limited freedom in the case of incitement to violate health and epidemiological rules during the unauthorized demonstration in Moscow on January 23. She was prohibited from changing her place of residence, from traveling outside the Moscow region and from attending public events. (HANDLE).

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