The Limited Times

Suppletive: Calenda, no Action candidate in Siena

8/30/2021, 12:37:54 PM

"In Siena we will not present a candidate. Enrico Letta is the secretary of a large party and must be able to sit in Parliament. Sorry that he has not made collaborative arguments on Rome (Municipality and supplementary). (ANSA)

(ANSA) - FLORENCE, AUGUST 30 - "In Siena we will not present a candidate. Enrico Letta is the secretary of a large party and must be able to sit in Parliament. Sorry that he has not collaborated on Rome (Municipality and supplementary). it would be an honorable answer. To Siena ".

   It was written on Twitter by Carlo Calenda, leader of Action, responding to a user who asked him how the movement "in Siena and Rome" will move for the next electoral tests.
