The Limited Times

The AlRawabi school for girls, between bullying and revenge

8/30/2021, 1:19:36 PM

Since its release, last August 12 on Netflix, the miniseries 'The girls of the AlRawabi school' has immediately sparked the debate. (HANDLE)

(ANSA) - TEL AVIV, AUG 30 - Since its release last August 12 on Netflix, the miniseries 'The girls of the Alawabi school' has immediately sparked the debate. Starting from a phenomenon of bullying in an imaginary prestigious school in Amman (even if it is never identifiable as such), the plot directed by Jordanian director and actress Tima Shomali - also co-author of the script together with her compatriot Shirin Kamal - is actually not a very veiled criticism. to the patriarchal structures of Arab society.

    "I am very happy - Shomali told the Albawaba website - that the series has created a dialogue and for me this is one of the main indicators of success. If it had not been so this effect would not have occurred, while our idea was that it had an influence. ".

    Second entirely Jordanian series produced by 'FilmizionProductions' on behalf of Netflix - in 32 languages ​​and 190 countries - the 'School of AlRawabi' (which is a neighborhood in Amman) plays light but at the same time very serious sutonality. The repeated and ruthless bullying of Mariam (Andria Tayeh) by Layan (Noor Taher, one of the veteran actresses of the cast) and her acolytes Rania (Joanna Arida) and Roqayya (Salsabiela A.), Results in a revenge that turns into tragedy, according to the canons of that kind of society. Mariam - despite the uncertainties and resistance of her friends who help her, especially the outsider Noaf (Rakeen Saad) - becomes the instrument, aware of a domino effect triggered by profound pain and suffering. The contrast between this state of mind and the powder pink,dominant color of the film (the school, the uniforms of the girls, their rooms, even the bathrooms of the institute), is perhaps the best scenic result of Shomalie of her team. (HANDLE).