The Limited Times

Treatments for bedbugs: urgent action is needed!

8/30/2021, 2:57:01 PM

Sleeping is not always easy with bedbugs! Indeed, the recrudescence of these unwanted hosts disrupts the nights of many French people. This phenomenon has even become a real public health issue, as parasites multiply rapidly in homes!

Treatments for bedbugs: knowing how to locate them precisely

The bed bug is tiny, but it is very active. Although measuring between 4 and 7 mm and laying up to 500 eggs daily, a bedbug can invade an entire home in as little as two weeks. Its bites cause unpleasant itching during the night, because they prevent proper sleep. Finally, a colony of bedbugs spreads very quickly in all the apartments of a building. How is the contamination happening on all continents? With an increasingly mobile lifestyle around the world, humans harbor and transport bedbugs to airports, hotels, housing, gymnasiums, performance halls, etc. All social categories can be affected by this real scourge. Faced with such an observation,it becomes essential to deal with the problem at the root. That is why the government is getting involved. Thus, the LREM deputy Cathy Racon-Bouzon worked on the subject of bedbugs. In October 2020, his report resulted in a national awareness campaign. On the information site "", it is also recommended to thoroughly inspect your accommodation (sofas, walls, wooden slats, rugs, etc.) and more particularly your mattress. What purpose ? In case of suspicion, it is advisable to locate the droppings of bedbugs by looking for brownish traces. These are left behind by tiny black dots that are visible to the naked eye on sheets, pillows, blankets, clothes, etc.These preventive actions remain essential to identify bedbug infestations.

Treatments for bedbugs: cleaning your home

As soon as the presence of bedbugs is found in a home, you must act without delay. First of all, all linens and clothing should be washed at a temperature of at least 60 ° C. Indeed, bed bugs hate heat. In addition, the steam succeeds in dislodging them. While the laundry is spinning in the machine, the apartment should be cleaned with a steam cleaner at 110 ° C or even 180 ° C. Everything must be thoroughly disinfected, whether it is mattresses, walls, curtains, furniture, sofas, floors, carpets, luggage, etc. Students, who do not always have a washing machine, can place their laundry or their small objects in a freezer at -20 ° C and for 72 hours minimum in order to kill the parasites by cold. After cleaning the housing, the bagvacuum cleaner should not be stored and infested accessories should be washed carefully. When the bed mattress or the sofa are really contaminated, it is recommended to change them. The same is true for any unnecessary object that has been infested with pests.

Treatments for bedbugs: call in the professionals

If the infestation resists thorough cleaning, it is best to call in experienced professionals. They know how to safely use chemicals and biocides that can be toxic to human health. This is the reason why the intervening company must have the Certibiocide certificate. This qualification is attributed to the company specializing in the elimination of parasites by the Ministry of Ecological and Inclusive Transition. It is valid for a period of 5 years. During disinfection, professionals will locally spray an insecticidal solution. To do this, they are equipped with gloves and wear protective clothing adapted to the situation. In addition to local disinfection, general fumigation will be carried out throughout the accommodation. At the end ofa fortnight, a new visit to the company will be scheduled. It will aim to destroy the eggs of the parasites that have resisted the first treatment. In general, chemical control should always be combined with manual cleaning of bedbug outbreaks. The two actions are inseparable to be effective.

Treatments for bedbugs: successfully eradicating them

It is only at the cost of radical treatment that bedbugs can be permanently eliminated.

If natural treatments against bedbugs (turmeric, essential oils, cloves, etc.) have a preventive action, their effectiveness remains very limited in time.

Likewise, insecticide products (bought in stores) are not strong enough to control bedbugs.

Worse yet, these insecticide products further strengthen the resistance of these unwanted pests!

In summary, it is necessary to locate bed bugs and manually clean all infested areas in the dwelling. Thanks to pest eradication professionals, it is then possible to spray powerful chemicals. These allow you to overcome bed bugs.