The Limited Times

Covid-19: 85 new deaths, towards a "plateau" for hospitalizations

9/1/2021, 4:57:10 PM

On the eve of the start of the school year, the epidemic figures continue to improve. If hospital pressure decreases, many are

While more than 12 million children are expected on the benches of French schools this Thursday, the indicators of the coronavirus epidemic will be very scrutinized in the coming days.

Can this re-entry be synonymous with an epidemic resumption or not?

Answer not for two weeks.

In the meantime, the epidemic's trend is downward after a new leap in the middle of summer.

For a week, the number of daily hospitalizations has been falling with 742 entries this Wednesday (941 yesterday), against a peak around 1,145 at the end of the last week of August (Tuesday 24 precisely).

Same observation on the side of the new patients, the most seriously affected, admitted to intensive care units with 187 admissions (against 218 yesterday) and a peak at 299 on August 18.

Read also Marseille: vaccination slipping, record contaminations ... how the Covid-19 makes its nest in the northern districts

In total, 11,119 Covid-19 patients are hospitalized in France against 11,120 yesterday and 11,066 the previous Wednesday.

Among these, there are 2,294 in intensive care.

They were 2,292 yesterday and 2,239 a week ago.

A hospital tension far from the previous wave and which now seems to be on a plateau for a few days.

Less than 10 million unvaccinated, nearly 115,000 dead

Deaths are down 20% for a week with 136 deaths recorded yesterday (94 per day on average over the past week) and 85 reported by hospitals on Wednesday.

In France, the bar of 115,000 deaths (data from hospitals, nursing homes and medico-social establishments) is approaching 114,579.

Read also France "on the right path" to find a "normal life": but why is Castex (still) so optimistic?

Trends that follow the drop in the number of positive cases detected each day.

If they were close to 25,000 a week ago, they were still 19,425 on Tuesday.

On the vaccination side, if the target set by the Prime Minister of 50 million first-time vaccinated by the end of August has not been reached as hoped yesterday, the rate of injections continues to slow down while it remains, since Tuesday , less than 10 million people eligible for vaccination having received no injection.

Less than 120,000 people receive an average of a first dose per day.

This Wednesday, 128,728 first injections were carried out according to the Ministry of Health and Solidarity.

The same age groups but with the same size charts.

⏩ # Covid19

- Nicolas Berrod (@nicolasberrod) August 31, 2021

A total of 48,767,471 people received at least one injection (ie 72.3% of the total population) and 44,574,529 people now have a complete vaccination schedule (ie 66.1% of the total population). As of August 31, 2021, 86% of the adult population had received at least one injection and 79% of the population had a complete vaccination schedule.