The Limited Times

Covid: Spain, Prime Minister Sánchez visits first vaccinated

9/2/2021, 12:42:49 PM

Once Spain reached its goal of 70% of the population's Covid vaccination coverage, Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez visited Araceli Hidalgo, the person who was given the first dose in the country on the 27th. December 2020. (ANSA)

(ANSA) - MADRID, 02 SEPT - Once Spain reached the goal of anti-Covid vaccination coverage of 70% of the population, the premier, Pedro Sánchez, visited Araceli Hidalgo, the person who was given it before dose in the country on December 27, 2020. It is a 97-year-old woman, a guest in a retirement home in Guadalajara (Castile La Mancha).

    "Today is a historic day", said Sánchez, "we have kept our commitment", he added. The premier also underlined "the importance of the public system" to respond to "any kind of adversity" and set the next goal to reach "90%" of the vaccinated population.

    For his part, Hidalgo called on undecided people to be "brave" and not hesitate to get vaccinated, according to statements released to the Iberian media. The woman also stated that she felt in good health and was willing to be given a third dose if deemed necessary. (HANDLE).