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We know how much money you have spent on holiday renovations - Walla! Real Estate

9/2/2021, 3:31:11 PM

A survey by the Association of Holiday Renovation Contractors for 2021 reveals the average amounts that Israelis spend. Are you one of the guys of the cheap or the most expensive?

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We know how much money you have spent on holiday renovations

A survey by the Association of Holiday Renovation Contractors for 2021 reveals the average amounts that Israelis spend.

Are you one of the guys of the cheap or the most expensive?


  • Renovations


Real Estate

Thursday, 02 September 2021, 18:14 Updated: 18:24

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Renovation Patrol - Association that assists Holocaust survivors, renovated the home of a 90-year-old Holocaust survivor from Rishon Lezion (Renovation Patrol)

The most common budget framework for renovations among Israelis in the run-up to the coming holidays amounts to an average of NIS 30,000, according to a survey conducted by the Association of Renovation Contractors in Israel.

According to the results of the survey, conducted by the Association of Renovation Contractors, which was answered by 792 registered renovation contractors, about 34% invest between NIS 30-50,000, about 27% of the renovators will invest between NIS 15,000 and NIS 30,000 during the renovation, and about 26% Invest more than NIS 50,000.

The rest, about 13 percent, will invest less than NIS 15,000 in renovations on Rosh Hashanah and Sukkot.

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It can be made colorful and full of life.

Renovation of an apartment designed by Keren Eshed.

Renovation contractor: Guy Aharonovich (Photo: Shai Epstein)

The survey distributed last week shows that unlike last year, when the most sought-after room for renovation was the study at home (following the move to work from home), this time the Israelis moved to focus on the bathroom. 48% of the renovation contractors testified that this is the most popular place, followed by the kitchen area with about 19%, then the living area with about 14%, the outdoor renovation (garden / balcony) with about 9% and the bedroom with about 6% . The rest are doing a general renovation in a number of rooms in the house.

And who orders the renovations?

Mainly families with many children, young couples, single men or women, or older / elderly couples. The survey results show that young families with small children or young couples are the majority (about 59%), the third age (about 29%) and families with many children (9%). The rest of the invitations come from singles.

In a comparison made between the renovation contractors between the holiday period in 2020 compared to 2021, there was an increase of about 17% in renovation orders for the period.

The popular colors of the upcoming renovations were also tested.

As befits the holiday season, the white color is the trendiest for renovating / renovating a home with about 69%, followed immediately by black and gray with about 8% respectively.

In the "special" color segment, red and yellow recorded a few percent above all others.

White, bathtub - everything Israelis love (Photo: Lior Teitler)

Following the challenging year on the Israeli / Arab street following the riots and fighting in Gaza, the Association of Renovation Contractors issued a first-of-its-kind question (following a demand from the field) regarding the economic damage of renovators due to the absence of Palestinian workers, families requiring renovation by Jewish workers only and more. About 38% of the renovation contractors claim that they were economically harmed due to the lack of Palestinian workers for one reason or another, while about 34% answered that they were not harmed financially at all by the Palestinian workers' problem. The other respondents admitted that they did not feel any particular difference during the renovations.

Chairman of the Association of Renovation Contractors, Eran Sib: "The survey data reflect what is happening in the field, the renovation industry has returned to full vigor after the corona year.

There is no doubt that the pressure of getting jobs before the holiday indicates more than anything that the Israeli consumer likes to renovate his home, especially before the holidays.

One of the things that stands out in our annual survey for the beginning of the year, is that following the corona people are renovating more bathrooms than other rooms in the house, unlike in previous years.

The corona year, which has rocked our lives from end to end, is also reflected in the renovation industry.

"People prefer to maintain more hygiene at home as well, and in addition want to pamper themselves in a comfort room like the bathroom at the expense of the study, which was in great demand last year due to the move to work from home."

Still a very stable industry.

Eran Sib (Photo: Yanai Ditch)

The trends

  • The average family invests between NIS 30-50,000 to renovate the holiday.

  • The most sought after room for home renovation is the bathroom

  • The trendy color of the holiday is white

  • Young families / young couples represent the most prominent percentage in renovation orders

  • There is a 17 percent increase compared to Rosh Hashanah for 2020 regarding ordering renovations

  • 38 percent of renovation contractors claim to have been economically harmed as a result of the Palestinian workers' problem.

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