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Senators of the PAN and the PRI support the far-right Santiago Abascal in his crusade against communism

9/3/2021, 1:04:14 AM

The leader of the Spanish party VOX visits Mexico to attract followers of his 'Iberosfera' project The leader of Vox, Santiago Abascal (center), poses for a photo with PAN politicians in the Senate of Mexico. The leader of VOX, the far-right Santiago Abascal, is visiting Mexico, where he has had the opportunity to meet in the Senate with politicians from the PAN and the PRI, the opposition to the current government in the country. The trip aims to add supporters to his cause among political an

The leader of Vox, Santiago Abascal (center), poses for a photo with PAN politicians in the Senate of Mexico.

The leader of VOX, the far-right Santiago Abascal, is visiting Mexico, where he has had the opportunity to meet in the Senate with politicians from the PAN and the PRI, the opposition to the current government in the country. The trip aims to add supporters to his cause among political and social personalities on this side of the Atlantic. In other words, adding signatures to the Madrid Charter, a manifesto of the Disenso Foundation, of which he is president, in which the ideology of the Spanish far-right group is reflected: “The advance of communism poses a serious threat to prosperity and the development of our nations ”, says the document. Abascal starts from the idea that the


, as he has called the Ibero-American community, “it is kidnapped by totalitarian communist-inspired regimes, supported by drug trafficking and third countries.

All of them, under the umbrella of the Cuban regime, and initiatives such as the São Paulo Forum and the Puebla Group, which infiltrate the centers of power to impose their ideological agenda ”.

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The Puebla group is made up of left-wing leaders from various countries, such as Evo Morales, Alberto Fernández, José Mujica, Rafael Correa, Lula da Silva or former Spanish president José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, among others. It is a political and reflection forum that "works for the integral development of the Latin American peoples," as they define themselves. The Madrid Charter, for which Abascal is seeking support in Mexico these days, would try to combat those ideas that he describes as a “totalitarian yoke”. That is to say: "An ideological and criminal project that is subjugating the freedoms and rights of nations, with the aim of entering other countries and continents to destabilize liberal democracies and the rule of law", according to its particular vision of geopolitics.

The ultra-rightist has been received in the Mexican Senate by politicians from the National Action Party (PAN) and the PRI. The former can be circumscribed to the right, the latter are a disaster drawer where from decades ago to the present there have been ideologies of all kinds. A good part of the PAN senators have subscribed to Abascal's initiative, thus placing themselves on the side of the Spanish extreme right, an ideology supported, in turn, by other political leaders from France or Italy. In a tweet Abascal thanked Julen Rementería, the PAN senator who has served as host in the presentation of the Madrid Forum and those who have signed the letter.

Abascal's anti-communist crusade has spread to other countries such as Ecuador, where VOX members have recently met with politicians from the cabinet of Guillermo Lasso, the country's new president.

The leader of VOX, who has been heard in the Spanish Parliament say a phrase like this: "There is no Spanish province that has not dazzled the world with the exploits of one of its children!" Seen with the warrior helmet of Hernán Cortés, the Spanish conqueror that Mexico looks askance at the multiple outrages and atrocities that were committed during the colonial invasion, he is now seeking support among Latin Americans.

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