The Limited Times

Live | The documentary 'La Vocera' and the challenges of the indigenous communities of Mexico at the Hay Festival

9/5/2021, 9:09:28 PM

Luciana Kaplan, director of the film about Marichuy, talks with Samantha César, from the National Indigenous Congress, in a talk moderated by Sonia Corona from EL PAÍS

After the screening of

La Vocera

, which portrays Marichuy's nomination as the first indigenous woman to seek the nomination for the presidency of Mexico, its director, Luciana Kaplan, talks with Samantha César, representative of the National Indigenous Council, of the Amilcingo community (Morelos), in a talk moderated by Sonia Corona from EL PAÍS.

With around 80 virtual and face-to-face activities, the objective of the festival is to imagine and build “a better world” through talks to reflect on politics, society, culture, art, science and technology, says Cristina Fuentes La Roche, international director of the There is Festival.

Due to the pandemic, this year has been celebrated in a hybrid format, with face-to-face and other online activities.

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