The Limited Times

Open Year: New Place, New People Israel today

9/5/2021, 8:15:38 PM

Capricorn: There is a chance that friendship with a member of the opposite sex will become an affair • Aries: If you express your concerns, you are expected to succeed • A full astrological forecast for 6.9


You radiate distance and the couple has to put a lot of effort into breaking down the wall you built around you.

If you express your concerns, you can expect success.


A large number of suggestions in the personal field makes you confused in assessing the situation.

Shortcomings in communication and misunderstandings with family members can lead to unnecessary arguments.

Tip: It's the stress of the holiday eve that makes you stressed.


Plans to spend time with friends are on the brink of extinction.

Just try to enjoy what is with the immediate family, instead of regretting what is not.

It seems that tomorrow interesting people will come to you without putting too much effort.


Your intuition, sharp vision and ability to analyze allow you to see things that a family member refuses to absorb.

A verbal confrontation may develop against this background.

You need to learn not to say everything you think.


A long conversation with a person from the past reveals a lot of information, negative in part, related to a third person, who is especially close to you.

Tip: Get out of a judgmental position.


Someone you do not like annoys you.

It seems that the only and wise way to deal is to listen and wait, to plan and only then ... to respond.

Try not to convey a message of revenge for something that happened in the distant past.


You feel nervous and tired.

There is also a degree of worry in the set of negative emotions that overwhelm you.

You may be affected by a close person enveloping you in a cloud of negative energies.


You are once again debating the romantic relationship in which you are involved.

The emotional swing does not really add health to you.

It would have been good for them to be able to reach a final decision in this area and stick to it.


You attract a lot of attention but fail to break in the right directions.

Keep trying and focus your efforts.

Try to check the truth of your feelings of suspicion towards a close person.


The feeling of pessimism is gone and instead you feel great.

There is a chance that a friendship with a member of the opposite sex will become an affair.

You may spend time caring for young family members.


An exciting day.

This whole day is one big adventure.

Guests arrive, you go out to a new place you have not been before and meet more new people.

In short, a real celebration.


You need to invest time and check the way you are taking.

Things will not happen by themselves.

You find yourself suddenly moving from an uplifted mood to a sharp downward sunset.


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