The Limited Times

Papelón in São Paulo: what could happen after the suspension of the match between Argentina and Brazil

9/5/2021, 8:45:44 PM

What will happen now? Will the meeting be completed? Who will the points be for if this story doesn't continue on the pitch?

09/05/2021 17:24

  • Clarí

  • sports

Updated 09/05/2021 17:32

The embarrassment is worldwide.

The image of the invasion of the field in the middle of the game of San Pablo health officials to interrupt the classic at 5 minutes when the result went zero to zero will remain in history.

There were moments of high tension and confusion on the playing field and then in the dressing room area among the protagonists.

And the picture is still not clear at all.

What will happen now?

Will the meeting be completed?

Who will the points be for if this story doesn't continue on the pitch?

There is a question that is clear: from the AFA they previously had the word from Conmebol to guarantee that on their part everything was in order and that the Albiceleste delegation, by not breaking the agreed sanitary corridor, had the guarantees to play the game with the four footballers whom the National Health Surveillance Agency (Anvisa) asked to deport for not having stated in their sworn statements when entering the country that they came from England before passing through Caracas.

This is why the National Team went out onto the playing field without problems and as soon as the scandal occurred, it quickly decided to go into the dressing room and put itself in the position of not playing without the players in question: Emiliano Martínez, Cristian Romero and Giovani Lo Celso (and Emiliano Buendía who was left outside the bank).

Knowing that it has the green light from Conmebol, Argentina moved with the tranquility that at least it will not have points removed and could even keep them.

Scaloni speaks with the Brazilian players to try to calm the tense climate before the invasion of an unauthorized person to the field.

Photo: EFE

Why could they give the 3 points to the albiceleste team?


Clarín was

able to find out

, the referee's report includes a description of what happened, which was visible to all.

And according to the regulations, the duel was suspended due to the invasion of "unauthorized persons".

"Here you cannot talk about any lie, there is health legislation and the health authorities of each country approve it. The image is very bad for the world. Unfortunately. Four people entered to interrupt the game to notify I do not know what. When someone , an external factor interrupts a match, it must be suspended ", said Claudio Tapia, president of the AFA in dialogue with

TyC Sports


By decision of the match referee, the match organized by FIFA between Brazil and Argentina for the World Cup Qualifiers is suspended.

- (@CONMEBOL) September 5, 2021

The word of the top Argentine executive was not accidental.

If the match is suspended due to the invasion of an external agent and is not resumed, the victory on the desk has a great chance of being on the blue and white side.

From Conmebol they reported that

"by decision of the match referee, the match organized by FIFA between Brazil and Argentina for the World Cup Qualifiers is suspended



And they added:

"The referee and the match commissioner will submit a report to the FIFA Disciplinary Committee, which will determine the steps to follow. These procedures strictly adhere to current regulations."

In addition, the South American entity stressed that the Qualifiers are a FIFA competition and that all decisions will go through the mother house of world football based in Switzerland.

Meanwhile, Brazil, with Neymar at the helm, remained on the pitch at all times, fixing its position of wanting to continue playing because it knows that from the other side they could ask for the points.

What will have to be seen is if there is any chance of being able to play the remaining 85 minutes at another time and in another scenario.

This newsletter will undoubtedly have more chapters. 

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