The Limited Times

Metz: a 13-year-old boy attacked with a knife by another 12-year-old for "a futile motive"

9/6/2021, 10:46:12 AM

A fight broke out between two young people in Metz on Saturday. One of them was stabbed and hospitalized.

A 13-year-old was stabbed with a knife by another 12-year-old on Saturday in Metz (Moselle).

The victim was hospitalized but his life is no longer in danger, reports a police source in

Le Figaro

, confirming information from the

Republican Lorrain


To read also Maurice Berger: "Violence internalized by young people becomes constitutive of their identity"

The facts took place on Saturday at 3 p.m., in the district of La Patrotte, which is not known to be a problem area. A fight breaks out between two friends in front of the girlfriend of one of them for "

bad words

", slips our source. "

A futile motive

", confirms to Le


the public prosecutor of Metz Christian Mercuri, who nevertheless leads the 12-year-old to attack his comrade with a knife.

The latter was injured between the spleen and the armpit and quickly taken care of by the emergency services, who transported him to Nancy hospital.

His state of health has since stabilized but has not yet been heard by investigators.

The alleged assailant ended up going with his parents to the Metz police station.

The murder weapon, however, has not been found.

Six months of closed educational center

While a judicial investigation was opened for "

attempted murder

", the 13-year-old admitted the facts to the police. Apart from a reminder to the law, it was until then not known to the judicial authorities, indicates the magistrate. At the end of his questioning, the 12-year-old was presented to the children's judge, then placed in a closed educational center for six months as part of a judicial educational investigation measure (MJIE), in order to assess more precisely the situation of the minor.

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