The Limited Times

There is skepticism in the dialogue about Venezuela, but this time it could be different. Hear why | Video | CNN

9/7/2021, 3:01:33 AM

Guillermo Zubillaga, head of the working group for Venezuela of the Council of the Americas, believes that although it is normal that there is skepticism in this new | Latin America | CNN

Guillermo Zubillaga, head of the Council of the Americas working group for Venezuela, believes that although it is normal for there to be skepticism in this new round of negotiations between the government of Nicolás Maduro and a sector of the Venezuelan opposition, the fact that the regime has been seated at the table, with an impartial referee, it is an achievement.

The doubts, however, are a constant regarding the outcome of this dialogue moderated by Norway.

Does it make sense to dialogue with Maduro?

Listen to the expert's answer.

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