The Limited Times

After a decade: "Regular infantry brigades will be separated from the Tavor rifle" | Israel Today

9/8/2021, 9:08:50 PM

The IDF's future rifle is coming out very early • The reason: the American M4 rifle, which will replace it, has been found to be more efficient • At the same time, the IDF is preparing to replace the hundreds of old Hummer

For years, the Israeli Tavor rifle has been marketed as the future rifle, and many of the IDF's infantry fighters proudly carried it, enthusiastic about its convenience and its futuristic form.

But it turns out that only ten years after its assimilation into the Israeli army, the IDF will soon begin transferring the infantry brigades that currently use Tavor and micro-Tavor to use the American M4 rifles, known as "laptops."

In fact, in the near future, one of the infantry brigades is expected to receive the M4 rifle, after which the other regular brigades will continue to give up the Tabor. The Israeli rifles will not completely leave the IDF, and will be transferred to reserve brigades.

The reason, according to the head of the outgoing land arm weapons department, Col. (Res.) Arik Avivi, is the understanding that the wisdom of the masses in this case wins.

"Quite a few armies in the world use this rifle, and for good reason - it's an excellent weapon."


Successful experience in foreign armies has taken its toll // Photo: GettyImages,

The M4 rifle has been in use in Israel since 2001, and in the first decade of its service in the IDF was the service rifle of most infantry units, but in 2011 it was replaced in some divisions with Tavor and micro-Tavor rifles.

Even today the M4 is used by the rifle of the special units, the commando brigade and the infantry brigades paratroopers and infidels.

Simultaneously with the replacement of the rifle, the IDF is also beginning to prepare for the replacement of the hundreds of aging hammers, which have been in service for many years. There are various alternatives on the table, including the possibility of acquiring blue-and-white vehicles.

Avivi points out that Israeli vehicles are immeasurably cheaper, compared to the light vehicle that replaced the Hummer in the US - JTLV.

We have a wide range of options - both American and Israeli.

We have not yet summarized the list, but we are ripe for the decision.

The tool will be seen for a long time to come, as the development time of the weapon takes an average of five years, and often longer. "

The IDF spokesman responded: "As part of the annual work plan, staff work is being carried out to optimally utilize the weapons of the IDF combat unit, which weighs considerations of economic uniformity, adjustment to the purpose of the force, regular-reserve compliance, etc."

No decision has been made to remove micro-Tabor weapons from use in the IDF, nor is such a decision expected.

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