The Limited Times

Anpi denounces, 'bunker-museum with guides in Nazi uniform'

9/8/2021, 5:42:12 PM

Controversy for the post published on the pages of the president of Veneto. Zaia: 'I don't manage social media but we apologize' (ANSA)

The ANPI of Veneto "expresses bewilderment in reading the post published on President Zaia's Facebook page regarding the opening of a museum space in one of the bunkers built by the Nazis at the Fonti di Recoaro Terme and that the guided tour is made by people in vintage uniform of the Wehrmacht ".

"The entire spa complex in the last year of the Second World War was the headquarters of Kesselring - explains Anpi - and this choice comes precisely to coincide with 8 September".

"There is nothing to complain if the redevelopment of the bunker was motivated by a purpose of deepening the terrible war events that lasted in our region until the end of April 1945 and even sometimes at the beginning of May, coinciding with the retreat of the Nazi troops - explains Anpi- But that the guided tour is carried out by people in Wehrmacht period uniforms leaves incredulous all those who, respecting history and our Constitution, condemn Nazism and Fascism and the Nazi occupation of Italy that has suffered so many mourners. provoked to our country ".

"In the climate we are living in, in which politicians think of dedicating streets and parks to Arnaldo Mussolini or even to Hitler, not to mention Almirante, we ask the representatives of the institutions to respect the Constitution on which they have sworn and therefore clearly anti-fascist conduct" , concludes the regional coordination ANPI Veneto. 

"All the activities on the social profiles concerning the promotion of the territory are carried out in absolute autonomy by a specific structure", over which the president Zaia "does not exercise direct and constant control", but "all this being said, the Presidency apologizes, to name of the responsible facility, with all parties that felt hurt in some way by this post. " Thus the governor Luca Zaia, through a note from the press office of the regional council, responds to the controversy raised by the Anpi on the post. "The intent of the post - explains Zaia's note - was certainly not to offend sensibilities and memories. In order to avoid further inconvenience, the order was given to delete the post". "The initiative of the Recoaro museum - he continues - was reported by theAssociazione Terme di Recoaro to the competent Directorate of the Region which, in turn, had transmitted it to the structure that follows the social profiles. the President of the Region does not have any visibility nor (obviously) exercises and can exercise direct and constant control over these matters, but deals in first person only with the contents relating to posts relating to administrative, political, health activities, also on the basis of official press releases issued by the Press Office ".but he deals in first person only with the contents relating to posts concerning administrative, political and health activities, also on the basis of the official press releases issued by the Press Office ".but he deals in first person only with the contents relating to posts concerning administrative, political and health activities, also on the basis of the official press releases issued by the Press Office ".

"The Museum is located within the Terme area, currently managed by the Veneto Region. Our municipality has not given any permission as the area in question is not within our competence". And this is the precision, issued to ANSA, by Armando Cunegato, mayor of Recoaro Terme (Vicenza), where the controversy broke out after the intervention of the regional Anpi. "I was not present at the inauguration and I will not enter into the merits of the matter" - added the first Recoarese citizen, who is on vacation these days - even if I must say that the bunkers are part of the history of our country from the point of view The Bunker Association of Recoaro still exists in the Vicenza spa town, which was founded in recent decades to manage these 'sites'.of war history.