The Limited Times

Green light to mini cannabis grows at home

9/8/2021, 1:32:46 PM

First step in commission, penalties for trafficking increase (ANSA) The basic text on cannabis was voted in the House Justice Committee. "The cultivation of no more than 4 'female' plants at home is decriminalized - announces the president Mario Perantoni (M5s), also rapporteur of the provision -. It is an important result, obtained in the wake of the jurisprudence of the Court of Cassation but also thanks to the ability of parliamentary groups to confront each ot

The basic text on cannabis was voted in the House Justice Committee.

"The cultivation of no more than 4 'female' plants at home is decriminalized - announces the president Mario Perantoni (M5s), also rapporteur of the provision -. It is an important result, obtained in the wake of the jurisprudence of the Court of Cassation but also thanks to the ability of parliamentary groups to confront each other and find a reasonable synthesis. If the penalties for minor facts are reduced, the penalties for crimes related to trafficking, trafficking and detention for the purpose of cannabis trafficking are increased from 6 to ten years ".

 They voted against the Lega, FdI, Coraggio Italia and FI (with the exception of Elio Vito), Italia viva abstained, while all the others voted in favor of the radical Riccardo Magi (promoter of one of the proposals merged into the basic text) to the M5s, Pd and Leu. The League in committee asked to separate the text of Molinari's pdl.

    Now, after the vote on the basic text, the deadline for tabling amendments will have to be set, to be discussed in committee. Only after these further steps will you be able to go to the classroom. 

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