The Limited Times

Physiotherapy and Long Covid, world day 2021 theme

9/8/2021, 1:03:18 PM

Rossini (S. Raffaele), decisive personalized rehabilitation (ANSA) Long Covid rehabilitation and the role of physiotherapists in the treatment and management of those affected. This is the theme of the world day of physiotherapy 2021, which is celebrated every year on September 8 in order to raise awareness on the importance of physiotherapy and the physiotherapist. This year the theme is precisely the condition called "Long Covid", characterized by persistent s

Long Covid rehabilitation and the role of physiotherapists in the treatment and management of those affected.

This is the theme of the world day of physiotherapy 2021, which is celebrated every year on September 8 in order to raise awareness on the importance of physiotherapy and the physiotherapist.

This year the theme is precisely the condition called "Long Covid", characterized by persistent symptoms after the typical period of convalescence from Covid-19 which can involve persistent fatigue, headache, shortness of breath, anosmia, muscle weakness, fever, cognitive dysfunction (brain fog), tachycardia, intestinal disorders and skin manifestations.

"Neuromotor and cognitive rehabilitation - underlines Professor Paolo Maria Rossini, Director of the Department of Neuroscience and Neurorehabilitation of Irccs San Raffaele Rome - together with cardio-respiratory rehabilitation can play a decisive role, for this reason they must be implemented within personalized so as to be able to cut out the most adequate and appropriate model of care for each patient. A cultural and organizational overcoming of the current rehabilitation philosophy that also represents an innovative challenge full of future repercussions not only for the Covid-related scenario ".