The Limited Times

Autumn weather in Germany: cold shock or golden October? - Expert warns of acid rain

9/30/2021, 1:57:48 PM

The weekend was sunny and warm. Now there is a threat of thunderstorms, temperature shock and bad weather. A sulfur dioxide cloud also creates uncertainty.

The weekend was sunny and warm.

Now there is a threat of thunderstorms, temperature shock and bad weather.

A sulfur dioxide cloud also creates uncertainty.

Munich - After a late summer weekend, the weather brought thunderstorms and heavy rain to Germany during the night on Monday.

There are further severe weather warnings, but around Monday morning the weather situation has calmed down in large parts of the Federal Republic.

What does that mean for the rest of the week?

Especially towards the beginning of the week, the weather in Germany remains as exciting as the results of the federal election.

Especially in the middle and in the east it gets changeable: According to the German Meteorological Service, a low pressure influence "in connection with damp, mild air masses" causes squalls and shower-like rains.

There are always local thunderstorm warnings, especially in the east.

Acid rain in Germany?

- The sulfur dioxide cloud will move on from Tuesday

The sulfur dioxide cloud over Germany is currently causing uncertainty.

The southwest wind has blown them from the Canaries over the Federal Republic.

A volcano is currently raging on the island of La Palma.

If rain falls from the sky again in the afternoon, the sulfur will be washed out of the atmosphere and could land on German soil, warns meteorologist Dominik Jung from


Acid rain can occur.

In this form, however, it is not dangerous or harmful to human health.

The only thing is that “trees don't like that at all,” explains Jung.

The sulfur dioxide cloud is expected to move on as early as Tuesday.

Weather in Germany: cold shock or golden October?

- Weather models disagree

On Wednesday, the meteorologist expects a slight drop in temperature and stormy autumn weather. Guilt is a storm low, which is announced from the North Sea on Wednesday and brings rain, squalls and local thunderstorms. Nevertheless, there is always sun in between. The temperatures drop below 20 degrees. At night, the DWD expects lows of 9 to 2 degrees and in places even with ground frost.

On the first weekend in October, opinions then split.

According to meteorologist Dominik Jung, the American weather model calculates with cold autumn temperatures and maximum values ​​between 10 and 15 degrees.

It could get even colder at the edge of the Alps.

The European weather model, on the other hand, has completely different values ​​ready and reckons with an unusually mild beginning of October: it should be "warm in summer, up to 25 degrees".

Which of the two models will ultimately prevail is likely to remain just as exciting as the coalition talks of the federal government.



List of rubric lists: © Federico Gambarini / dpa / Symbolbild

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