The Limited Times

New nursing home in Lenggries without a production kitchen

10/2/2021, 10:58:59 PM

In a special meeting on Monday evening, the majority of the Lenggries town council decided in favor of building the care home without a production kitchen. This can save one million euros and the number of structures is reduced.

In a special meeting on Monday evening, the majority of the Lenggries town council decided in favor of building the care home without a production kitchen.

This can save one million euros and the number of structures is reduced.


- It was a decision with a "stomach grim", as all parliamentary groups say, but ultimately the large majority of the Lenggries municipal council voted in a special session on Monday to build the new nursing home without its own production kitchen.

This decision has been under discussion for a long time (we reported).

In doing so, the local councils followed the wish of Caritas, which will run the home.

According to Mayor Stefan Klaffenbacher (FWG), the total costs for the new building now amount to 20.68 million euros - as of the current construction cost index.

"We have to exploit every potential for savings," said Klaffenbacher on Tuesday in an interview with our newspaper.

The elimination of the production kitchen means that the three planned structures will become two that are connected by a transverse structure.

Nothing will change in the number of living spaces and their size - as planned, 90 senior citizens should be able to spend the last phase of their lives there.

Visit to the home in Holzkirchen

Over the past few months, the councils have discussed intensively whether a production kitchen is necessary. Ultimately, the decisive factor was a visit to the Caritas nursing home in Holzkirchen. The so-called “cook and chill” process is already being used there. This means that the warm lunches and dinners are delivered and only have to be prepared by the staff in the homes in the eat-in kitchens. The dishes are produced at Caritas in Holzkirchen. During a visit there, they were convinced of the quality, reports Klaffenbacher. “The food is excellent, the process is very good.” 80 to 85 percent of the food is cooked ready, then cooled and then finally made ready on site. “The nutrients are 100 percent retained.“The warm food is delivered for three days at a time, and the menu only repeats itself every nine weeks. “That is also a good rhythm. It's shorter elsewhere. "

Breakfast and cold dinner, on the other hand, are always prepared by the staff on site in the living group kitchens.

According to Klaffenbacher, “100 percent” of the staff will be transferred from the old to the new home, including the kitchen staff.

Their activities would be "slightly changed" in the living group kitchen areas.

That is what the groups say

The decision was not made easy, but I am united behind it, says Franz Schöttl of the CSU parliamentary group.

Time is pressing.

“We need 90 care places for Lenggries and for the Isarwinkel.

We cannot afford any further delays. ”In addition, they want to build the home with Caritas.

The new draft of the nursing home is "acceptable", says Günter Haubner, chairman of the Free Voters Association in the local council, but there were two dissenting votes from among their ranks. You have to get going with the new building now, says Haubner. For him it is important that the number of places and the size of the rooms remain unchanged.

The other groups have made a similar statement.

"We are under enormous time pressure," says Tobias Raphelt, parliamentary group spokesman for the SPD.

The abandonment of the kitchen was "grudgingly agreed, but we just have to move forward".

Raphelt hopes that there will be no difficulties in the further planning process: “The cost pressure is getting bigger and bigger”.

This is how the Greens see it: “Time is of the essence, the new home must be built quickly.

Not only the seniors but also the employees need a perspective ”, says the parliamentary group leader Daniela Werner.

Caritas still has to decide on the board of directors and the supervisory board

According to Doris Schneider, managing director of the 27 Caritas retirement homes in Munich and Upper Bavaria, a third of all Caritas homes are already operated without their own production kitchen.

We agree with the new plans of the community.

The reduction in space affects not only the elimination of the production kitchen, but also office space for management and administration.

"We fought intensely and are convinced that the project can be driven forward in this way." The next steps are a resolution in the management board and supervisory board of Caritas.

If everything goes according to plan, the entire project is expected to be completed in spring 2025.

Old stock is being torn down, chestnuts have to give way

The local council also discussed the old building, more precisely the “new” extension.

Also with two votes against, it was decided to tear it down after the move.

"An investigation has shown that there is a considerable need for renovation here," reports the mayor.

A general renovation would correspond to 80 percent of the costs of new construction.

At this point, for example, the staff apartments could be built.

In the old functional building, according to the mayor, this could only be achieved with great effort.

The gathering of signatures against the felling of the old chestnut was also discussed at the meeting (we reported).

But Klaffenbacher gives the signatories no hope that the tree can stay.

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