The Limited Times

Summary of the holiday news: improvement in the condition of the wounded soldier near Jenin; Progress on the Road to Child Vaccination Israel today

10/2/2021, 7:31:12 PM

Sergeant Y., who was wounded by gunfire during the operation to thwart Hamas' infrastructure, is breathing independently again • Pfizer plans to apply to the FDA for vaccination between 11-5 years old • Six wounded in a mountain slope collapse in the north • Singer R. Kelly

Good news:

Sergeant Y., one of the wounded in an operation in Jenin in which five terrorists were killed, was cut off today (Tuesday) from the respirator to which he has been connected since he was injured, and talked to his parents.

Y. has been hospitalized at Rambam Hospital in Haifa in critical condition since he was injured in the incident last Sunday.

On the way to vaccinating children?

Pfizer will in the coming week submit to the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) a request to vaccinate 11-5 year olds in Corona.

The company announced today that it has submitted the data regarding the experiment.

Pfizer found that the sufficient dose to vaccinate young children is one-third of the dose given to adults.

According to the experiment, the children's bodies responded to a dose of 10 micrograms of the vaccine similar to the way a body of 16 to 25 year olds responds to a 30 microgram dose.

A woman receives the vaccine against Corona, in Tel Aviv, Photo: Gideon Markovich

The violence in Arab society continues

A 34-year-old man was killed, and a 27-year-old was moderately injured in two shooting incidents that occurred in the country during the holiday.

Iyad Raed Devdov, 34, was shot dead by a Jadeida acquaintance.

Another person was seriously injured in the incident.

This is the 94th murder since the beginning of the year in the Arab sector, 16 since the beginning of the month, and the violence in the sector can already be called a coup d'etat.

The murdered man and Hussein Kushi, 32, who was seriously injured, are known to police.

Apparently it was a murder on a criminal background following a criminal dispute over areas of control in the underworld in the north.

A 27-year-old girl who was shot in the village of Rama, Photo: Yedioth from the field

A 27-year-old woman was moderately injured in a shooting incident in the Druze village of Rama in the north and was evacuated to the Galilee Medical Center in Nahariya.

According to the police investigation, the woman was shot by a passing vehicle, which fled the scene.

Six injured in a wall collapse at a construction site

A hillside collapsed today as part of construction work in the village of Kanna.

Six workers were injured, including two 17- and 19-year-olds in critical condition.

Injured in the collapse of a wall in the village of Kanna.

Photo: Amar Asadi

The wounded were evacuated to hospitals in the north, including the 17-year-old who was trapped for an hour at the site and rescued in a joint effort by MDA, firefighting and rescue and the Home Front Command. .

Many police forces rushed to the scene, closed the scene and drove the curious away.

This is a work accident and the police in cooperation with the Ministry of Labor will investigate whether the site met safety standards, on suspicion that negligence led to the collapse.

"Headed a criminal operation"

After more than 25 years of severe accusations, singer R.

Kelly was convicted yesterday of extortion, child sexual exploitation, kidnapping and sex solicitation, a federal court in Brooklyn, New York, ruled in a trial that began Aug. 18.

Kelly was convicted of the sexual exploitation of minors during the peak years of his career.

He himself pleaded guilty to all charges.

Among other things, the rapper was also charged with kidnapping, bribery and other sexual offenses.

Kelly is expected to be sent to jail for many years.


Kelly appears at a hearing in Chicago in 2019,