The Limited Times

Prof. Ash responds to Bennett's words: "It was not pleasant to hear this, the feeling is a feeling of sorrow" | Israel today

10/3/2021, 2:01:48 AM

The director general of the Ministry of Health referred to the prime minister's remarks on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly, where he said: "With all due respect to the cabinet of experts and medical experts - some do not see the full picture" • Health Minister Horowitz also attacked the prime minister: "I was surprised, things Were not in place "

The Director General of the Ministry of Health, Prof. Nachman Ash, was interviewed tonight (Tuesday) by News 12, and expressed his disappointment with the words of Prime Minister Naftali Bennett on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly, where the Prime Minister attacked the health system, saying that "experts will not make decisions. we".

Ash said in an interview that "it was not pleasant to hear that, the feeling is a feeling of sadness", adding that he was "happy that things about the health system and doctors will be balanced and express the successes we have in the State of Israel in all professional terms".

When Ash was asked if he expected an apology from the prime minister, he replied "I think he is responsible and mature enough to make the decisions".

Yesterday, after his speech at the UN General Assembly, Bennett referred to the treatment of the corona crisis in Israel, and to his decision not to impose closures and restrictions, despite the increase in morbidity. "Some opposed the real-time booster.

Bennett speaks at the UN, Photo: Screenshot

I do not accept the Who cares approach regarding money and livelihood.

Medical experts are important but not exclusive input.

They will not make the decisions at the national level but we.

When I asked them why Shlomo Artzi's show had to be closed because of one sector or another - they stuttered. "

The one who came out in defense of the Ministry of Health's employees was Health Minister Nitzan Horowitz, who said in response to Bennett's remarks: "Let it be clear - Health Ministry experts are doing dedicated and excellent work on an international scale," Horowitz wrote.

"They save lives, every day. I give them full backing and can only praise their work and tremendous contribution."

The Minister of Health added: "Their professional recommendations are the first consideration that guides us, even if not the only consideration. This has been the case all along. "It is convenient for us. This is the role of the experts. We, the decision-makers, are required to decide in the end according to the set of considerations. This process must be done with mutual respect, and only in matters."

In an interview with News 13, Horowitz said that he spoke with the prime minister, and expressed his resentment at his remarks:.

"I was surprised by the things. They were not in place and certainly not in the circumstances that were said. I support and back the people of the Ministry of Health," he said.

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