The Limited Times

(SDF) is rushing the price of labor - Written by: Bashar Muhammad

10/7/2021, 10:15:16 PM

It seems that the positive impression and political breakthroughs in more than one file and in more than one regional and international arena have pushed back

It seems that the positive impression and political breakthroughs in more than one file and in more than one regional and international arena prompted the “SDF” agent militia of the American occupation to commit a folly that proves its inability to read the events and political changes in the region and its inability to learn and take lessons.

The SDF, which used to carry out the instructions of its American master, sensed its inevitable fate and the approaching life of its workers, so it committed a bloody crime against the honorable people in the countryside of Tel Brak, north of Hasaka, while they were trying to confront the militiamen and prevent them from stealing one of the electrical transformers in the area in defense of their land and rights.

The SDF’s uncalculated move will not change the reality of the situation and will not impede the path of détente and understandings at the international and regional levels. On the contrary, it will expedite the throwing of the employment card and will hasten its inevitable fate. The American is not in the process of protecting it and providing support to its militias, and it is ready to leave suddenly the areas it occupied on both sides of the Syrian border. Nor is it able to survive in the face of the honorable popular demands that reject its existence and its workers, which have proven through demonstrations and roadblocks to the American occupier and its agents that it does not fear death and loves dignity and defending the homeland and its unity.

The scene in the north will not remain the same, whether for the agent militia "SDF" backed by the American occupier or for the terrorist groups backed by the Turkish occupier, both of which are in the balance and logic of politics. Their natural size, ending the illusions of the blood sultans and the dreams of the separatist agents, eliminating the hotbeds of terrorism, marking the stage of arranging the files, dismantling the rings of fire and the clash between the active forces in the region and rearranging with them the papers and their priorities in proportion to the need for return and stability and agreement on a balance of power that guarantees the interests of the parties, but it did not and will not be on Calculating the sacrifices of the Syrian people, who have the only right to chart their future and impose their will, and this has been until this moment and will be the honorable conclusion of the battle to restore the land and impose national options with support and coordination with allies and friends.More than one case and file and no consolation for bettors, gamblers and clients.