The Limited Times

A rather complicated construction site in Echingen - but on which everything went smoothly

10/7/2021, 6:51:41 PM

It is done: The Echinger “House for Children Sankt Andreas” has been refurbished with ongoing operations. The architect had to coordinate 14 trades.

It is done: The Echinger “House for Children Sankt Andreas” has been refurbished with ongoing operations.

The architect had to coordinate 14 trades.


- What takes a long time is finally good ”- with this Ingeborg Heidler, chairwoman of the church administration, summed up the completion of the renovation work in the Echinger“ House for Children Sankt Andreas ”.

At a small inauguration party, Pastor Martin Guggenbiller blessed the house and its "residents" - the 140 children in the four daycare centers and the large after-school care group as well as the 20 caregivers.

In prayer and also in their well-rehearsed songs, the little house guests, together with the educational team and the guests, asked God's protection in their beautiful house, so that they can feel comfortable there and learn happily.

Total project costs amount to 490,000 euros

The structural package of measures included the draining of the basement rooms, which are now fully usable again, new bathrooms and toilets, replacement of the floor coverings, installation of acoustic ceilings, redesign of a small, interior atrium, repainting, renovation of the wooden stairs, new shading and upgrading of the emergency exits on the first floor.

The total project costs amount to 490,000 euros, the pure construction costs amount to around 390,000 euros.

Facility manager Susanne Graßl distributed a handful of red thank you hearts

At the inauguration, the good cooperation, in which the wishes and ideas of the pedagogical team were taken into account, was particularly appreciated.

Facility manager Susanne Graßl distributed a whole handful of red hearts to a “super team”, i.e. to everyone who had contributed to the success: Starting with Deacon Michael Layko, who was responsible for the kindergarten administration of St. Andreas at the time, through his committed successor Christine Muschalla, the patient and helpful parents' council, the pastor for his support, the stubborn church administration, the mayor and local council for financial support up to the architecture office.

(By the way: Everything from the region is now also available in our regular Freising newsletter.)

In just four months, from May to September, the architects had to coordinate 14 trades during ongoing operations.

As Sigeler explained, the planning office had already made extensive organizational considerations in the run-up to the renovation phase between the award of the contract at the beginning of this year and the start of construction in the spring.

And then everything went smoothly - not a matter of course, as architect Andreas Hlawaczek emphasized.

He emphasized the calm and serenity with which Graßl and her team coped with day-to-day work on the construction site.

The children of course found this phase exciting, especially the trip to the external toilet truck.


With heart-shaped signs, the daycare manager Susanne Graßl thanked everyone who had contributed to the successful renovation of the house for children.

© Wilms

But now everyone is happy about the new, old house, from the friendly children's toilets to the hard-wearing floor or the awnings in the garden.

And town hall chief Sebastian Thaler was also convinced during the tour: "The measure was worth it."