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Against the background of the conflicts in Judea and Samaria: Rabbis call for help for the hill boys | Israel Today

10/7/2021, 7:48:48 PM

A number of well-known rabbis in religious Zionism published a public letter in which they said that they were exposed to the youth of the hills and that unlike most exhibits, these are idealistic young people who do not want conflicts • "Only after we were convinced of their positive intentions

A number of senior rabbis in religious Zionism are calling tonight (Thursday) to help the hill boys in order to strengthen settlement in Judea and Samaria, against the background of the clashes that have taken place in recent weeks between Palestinians and far-left activists. While they make it clear that these are "youth who keep the mitzvah of settling the country with devotion."

The letter comes a month after a rabbinical campaign in the hills, which was attended by rabbis who are affiliated with the "Good Land Torah" organization, and is signed by, among others, the elder rabbis of religious Zionism, Rabbi Chaim Druckman, Rabbi Dov Lior, Rabbi David Chai HaCohen, Rabbi Elyakim Lebanon, Rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu Shlomo Aviner, Rabbi Aryeh Stern, Rabbi Eitan Eisman, Rabbi David Pendel, Rabbi Uri Sharki and more.

In the letter, they say that they were exposed to a different reality than that revealed in the media.

"In contrast to what is presented in the media, we met the youth who keep the mitzvah of settling the Land of Israel in person and dedicate themselves to this important mitzvah," the rabbis wrote.

"The tour of the hills concluded a course of six months or more of contacts and inquiries with these youth. Only after we were convinced of their positive intentions, we visited them in the hills and saw their dedication to the commandment to settle the land," the rabbis described the rapprochement between rabbinical leadership and youth in recent months.

Later in their letter, the rabbis called on the public and the heads of the settlement to support the activity in the hills:

The rabbis went on to call on the law enforcement agencies not to harm the youth of the hills, as happened in the case of the murder of the boy Ahuvia Godfather.

"The youth and their rights must be respected, and not harmed, God forbid," they wrote, saying that they had taken on the task of accompanying the youth of the hills and guiding them.

"We have undertaken to accompany them with love, and to help them direct their actions always in the right way that only promotes the return of our country."