The Limited Times

Banque de France: Macron wants to renew François Villeroy de Galhau

10/7/2021, 12:47:49 AM

The Governor of the Banque de France has been in office since November 2015. Emmanuel Macron wishes to reappoint the Governor of the Banque de France, François Villeroy de Galhau, who has been in office since November 2015, announced the Élysée on Wednesday. " The President of the Republic plans, on the proposal of the Prime Minister, to appoint François Villeroy de Galhau governor of the Bank of France ", writes the presidency in a press release. Read alsoThe Governor of

Emmanuel Macron wishes to reappoint the Governor of the Banque de France, François Villeroy de Galhau, who has been in office since November 2015, announced the Élysée on Wednesday.


The President of the Republic plans, on the proposal of the Prime Minister, to appoint François Villeroy de Galhau governor of the Bank of France

", writes the presidency in a press release.

Read alsoThe Governor of the Banque de France in


: "The time has clearly come to get out of whatever the cost"


The President of the National Assembly and the President of the Senate are seized of this nomination project, so that the interested committee of each of the assemblies decides under the conditions provided for by the fifth paragraph of article 13 of the Constitution

", specifies the press release.

A 62-year-old former student of École Polytechnique and ENA, François Villeroy de Galhau was chief of staff to Dominique Strauss-Kahn (1997-1999) and then to Christian Sautter (1999-2000) at the Ministry of Economy, but also Deputy CEO of the BNP Paribas group from 2011 to 2015. In his traditional “

letter to the president

” last July, the governor of the Banque de France called for lowering the country's debt after the health situation will have improved, in particular by containing the increase in public expenditure and by reviewing the budgetary rules.