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Kara told his assistant "make me a picture and fly" - and left the committee minutes after he arrived - Walla! news

10/7/2021, 6:58:07 PM

The Finance Committee discussed the congestion charges for at least three hours, but Kara participated for only 20 minutes. According to sources present at the scene, he was heard expressing his intention to be content with showing presence before entering. "Where has the deputy minister gone?", The remaining Knesset members wondered. Kara: "Your sources are misleading"

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Kara told his assistant "make me a picture and fly" - and left the committee minutes after he arrived

The Finance Committee discussed the congestion charges for at least three hours, but Kara participated for only 20 minutes.

According to sources present at the scene, he was heard expressing his intention to be content with showing presence before entering.

"Where has the deputy minister gone?", The remaining Knesset members wondered.

Kara: "Your sources are misleading"


  • Knight Kara

  • Knesset

  • Finance Committee

Yaki Adamkar

Thursday, 07 October 2021, 21:00

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In the video: MK Kara voted twice, in the opposition they called for an inquiry (Knesset Spokeswoman)

Deputy Minister Avir Kara from the right participated this evening (Thursday) in a discussion on the law for the collection of congestion fees at the entrances to Gush Dan, which took place in the Knesset Finance Committee, but left shortly after he arrived.

According to two sources present at the entrance to the committee, the deputy minister said to his assistant just before he entered the hall: "Let me take a picture and fly."

The hearing began at 5:48 p.m. and lasted at least three hours, but Kara left as early as 6:13 p.m.

After his departure, Knesset members present at the debate cynically criticized him.

MK Shlomo Qarai of the Likud wondered "Where did the deputy minister go?", And MK Yinon Azulai of Shas, who was asked by the committee's chairman to exercise his right to speak, replied: "I prefer the deputy minister to speak in my place."

When he was told that Kara was gone, he hinted that he had only come to be photographed.

Deputy Minister Kara responded: "Your sources are misleading. Few MKs and deputy ministers are as active in the committees as I am."

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To the full article

Has been criticized.

Kara in the plenum (Photo: Knesset Spokeswoman, Noam Moskowitz)

Yesterday, Deputy Minister Kara came under fire for voting against an opposition bill to allow unemployment benefits for the self-employed, in line with coalition discipline.

Kara is the Shulmanim's representative in the Knesset and promised to take care of the self-employed during his tenure.

Despite this, the proposal fell in plenary on the tip of a ballot, but if Kara had voted for it, the proposal would have passed a preliminary reading.

Today's discussion in the Finance Committee dealt with one of the significant laws in the Arrangements Law, in the framework of which the government seeks to impose a congestion tax at the entrance to Gush Dan.

In response to criticism from MK Likud Ophir Katz from the Likud that the residents of the periphery will pay more, thus creating a situation in which the government presented data to the Ministry of Finance regarding the population expected to pay the fee and where it comes from.

"Where did the deputy minister go?"

Finance Committee discussion, today (Photo: Knesset Spokeswoman, Noam Moskowitz)

According to a cellular survey in the years 2018-2019, during the peak hours in the morning, between 06:30 and 10:00, 87% of the trips in which at least one of the rings that will be charged under the proposed law were crossed, began in the center of the country.

Of the remaining 13% - the trips that came from the rest of the country: about 50% started in Haifa, Jerusalem or Beer Sheva, where the finance position has a good train solution.

Similar numbers were presented for the peak hours at noon.

MK Katz said in response that "the government does not see the citizens." Without an alternative to public transportation.

This is an unnecessary cut and a rip-off for the citizens.

The government funds the political niches by imposing taxes on the citizens.

I will continue to fight to abolish this terrible tax. "

The committee's chairman, MK Alex Kushiner, said today at the beginning of the discussion that he had reached agreements with the Treasury, according to which the two-wheeled vehicles will be subject to a fee.

"This," he explained, "is because they do not contribute to congestion, but can solve it. They will not enter the law."

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