The Limited Times

More than 8,000 Nazi objects found in the home of an alleged pedophile

10/7/2021, 8:49:40 PM

Rio de Janeiro police found this Wednesday a collection of more than 8,000 Nazi paraphernalia objects at the home of an alleged pedophile.

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(CNN) -

Rio de Janeiro police found a collection of more than 8,000 objects of Nazi paraphernalia on Wednesday at the home of a suspected pedophile.

According to Rio de Janeiro Police Chief Luis Armond, the collection is estimated to be worth US $ 3.47 million and contains a variety of items from the Third Reich era, such as officers' uniforms, flags, insignia. , coins, medals, images of Adolf Hitler, weapons and ammunition of the Nazi regime.

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"It's scary. I've never seen anything like it. I felt like I was in the movie Inglourious Basterds [sic]," Armond told CNN,

The paraphernalia was discovered when police went to the 58-year-old man's home to serve an arrest warrant on suspicion of pedophilia after his neighbors reported that they had seen him "approach the children" and attempt to take them home. police said in a statement.

Child pornography on the computer

According to the police, in addition to the objects, the officers also found pornographic material involving minors on his computer.

The man now faces various charges, including illegal possession of weapons, racial discrimination and possession of child pornography.

Armond says the man could face up to 30 years in prison if convicted of the crimes.


"We are starting the investigations, it is not a common case. We have to track how he acquired those objects, from whom and where. And now we have the problem of how to store them, since they can deteriorate or be stolen," said Armond.

The acquisition of the Nazi objects is suspected of coming from illegal online auctions from different parts of the world, police said.

For the time being, the objects will be stored in the Rio de Janeiro police museum.

NazisPedofiliaRio de Janeiro