The Limited Times

Moscow and Beijing express concern about the biological activity of Washington and its allies

10/7/2021, 6:27:54 PM

New York, SANA- Russia and China have expressed concern about the biological activity of the United States and its allies by more than 2

New York-Sana

Russia and China have expressed concern about the biological activity of the United States and its allies in more than 200 laboratories outside US soil.

A joint Russian-Chinese statement during a meeting of the First Committee of the United Nations General Assembly on disarmament issues said, “Russia and China note the military biological activity of the United States and its allies outside their territories, where more than two hundred American biological laboratories are located outside the United States and operate in an opaque and opaque manner and raise concerns and questions. seriousness from the international community about its compliance with the Biological Weapons Convention.”

"Both Russia and China share the opinion that such activity poses serious risks to the national security of both countries," the statement noted.