The Limited Times

Opinion | The extinct star Tel Aviv: A dismal evening for the Yellows in the Euroleague Israel today

10/7/2021, 11:09:20 PM

When your purchase from a week ago becomes a goal player in his first game - this is an unwise construction of the team • When there is no coordination - everything seems immature • And when you have a problem in position No. 3 and the depth in the staff interferes instead of helping - the opponent makes you school • Maccabi has a lot to work on • Interpretation

For the coach's defense, the

game was actually a pre-season training game

for Maccabi Tel Aviv.

Coordinations are to be built before the season, in preparation tournaments, in training games.

And when it was not, the results accordingly.

And if a player who arrived just a week ago, on a temporary contract, to cover up an injury (to an assorted), becomes your target player in his first game, it also indicates a crooked and unwise construction of the team.

But it was now a training week.

What did they work on for a whole week?

It felt like all five guys at Sportek were more coordinated.

What a terrible coordination in defense.

Lightweight baskets in the middle of the paint.

What a bad coordination on offense: 10 assists on 14 turnovers.

Not really pressing, not really running.

Everything still feels experimental and immature. 

Yiftach Ziv came up in the top five apparently to put pressure on Walters (clearly non-stressful), and also because Yannis wants one Israeli in the top five.

Not only because he loves locals, but because he maintains the structure that will be played in the league as well.

But going up in the top five is two-faced


Gives a boost and empowers, but also insanely stressful.

The loss in the half-transfer dribbling is a Rocky mistake that should not happen.

Ziv also got more chances throughout the game, but repeatedly made rookie mistakes, with losses (of the ball and his player on defense) and silly fouls on the buzzer.

Something in the body language was not sharp enough.

Excitement, over madness, is not clear, but certainly mental and not physical.

And so, with all good intentions, after 6: 0 Scotty Wilbkin was already called to the concentration flag, and the whole plan fell apart.

But this is not Yiftach Ziv's fault, nor is it entirely Sapropolus' fault.

This is the poor construction of the group.  

Photo: Alan Shiver,

Maccabi Tel Aviv has no link.

Because Maccabi still has a difficult problem in position number 3. Nanley actually joins the tall ones, and does not help the guards in transferring the ball from the back line to the front. He is physically weak for position 4, not fast and dribbles to position 2. And if he does not score from position 3 he has no contribution, he is just interfering. Then Caliroo came in to

strengthen the link

. And it's actually a great game between the positions, connecting the back line (not just calling them guards - defenders) to the front line (not just calling them forwards - strikers). He connects and tightens the game, helps the ball carriers, gives extra delivery, shows himself to the ball when there is pressure and helps to break it, because he has been with the coach for four seasons and knows what he really wants. Foreigners take turns around him and he is the most efficient and most Maccabi. 

Maccabi Tel Aviv has too many players


The depth of the composition does not help but interferes.

Last week social exchanges brought Bayern back.

This week we returned in the second half to Scotty and another 4. And what stood out was actually the short but tight rotation of the Serbs.

Every player knows what he is supposed to do, and does only what he knows.

It goes further to the fact that Jake Cohen, who returned with a standing ovation as a correction of a serious mistake from last season, does not even dress.

Maccabi repeats this mistake every year, out of anxiety that there will not be enough players, and there will be injuries, and illnesses, two frames.

But 8 cannons are better than medium 12.

And every time a short team comes up against a long team, the short one has a built-in advantage.

And also yesterday, the Red Star did a basketball school in the hall with order, discipline and game wisdom.

Everything Maccabi does not have yet. 

She did a school for Maccabi.

Photo: Alan Shiver,

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