The Limited Times

Presidential: Marine Le Pen, on the ground the air of nothing

10/7/2021, 7:09:51 PM

DECRYPTION - The candidate supported by the National Rally pretends to ignore her fall in the polls. Imitating the volunteer firefighter by her side, Marine Le Pen pumps her arms on the thorax of a plastic mannequin: "I am here to save the French people!" It is in fact the start of the presidential campaign that the nationalist candidate tries, this Thursday, to revive between the stalls of the Summit of the breeding of Cournon-en-Auvergne, in Puy-de-Dôme. To discover Presidential 2022: where a

Imitating the volunteer firefighter by her side, Marine Le Pen pumps her arms on the thorax of a plastic mannequin:

"I am here to save the French people!"

It is in fact the start of the presidential campaign that the nationalist candidate tries, this Thursday, to revive between the stalls of the Summit of the breeding of Cournon-en-Auvergne, in Puy-de-Dôme.

To discover

  • Presidential 2022: where are the candidates in the polls?

After its tumble in opinion polls since the start of summer, an ominous red light has started flashing this week.

For the first time since April 2013, a poll does not give the candidate supported by the National Rally qualified in the second round of the presidential election.

See also

Presidential: Le Pen asks Zemmour to declare his candidacy "out of honesty vis-à-vis the French"

In question, the competition that delivers him, on his right, the essayist Éric Zemmour.

That she finally beg to declare herself a candidate

"out of honesty vis-à-vis the French and political loyalty"


Barely past the gates of the great peasant raout, exhibitors and visitors crowd around the candidate in the empire green jacket in search of a smile and selfies.

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