The Limited Times

Leipzig commemorates the peaceful revolution in 1989

10/9/2021, 8:43:52 PM

The city of Leipzig remembered the peaceful revolution in 1989 on Saturday. As every year, there were several events on the program: first a prayer for peace in the Nikolaikirche, then a speech on democracy. This time the ex-boxer and current mayor of Leipzig's twin city of Kiev, Vitali Klitschko, was won over. The Nikolaikirche is one of the most important places of the peaceful revolution in the GDR.

The city of Leipzig remembered the peaceful revolution in 1989 on Saturday. As every year, there were several events on the program: first a prayer for peace in the Nikolaikirche, then a speech on democracy. This time the ex-boxer and current mayor of Leipzig's twin city Kiev, Vitali Klitschko, was won over. The Nikolaikirche is one of the most important places of the peaceful revolution in the GDR.

Leipzig - In the evening there was the festival of lights.

The concept was changed this year after criticism of the event's inappropriate party character in the past.

Instead of a large stage program, according to the city, decentralized light installations were planned on the Leipziger Ring.

More than 70,000 people gathered there on October 9, 1989 to protest against the SED regime.

This Monday demonstration is considered crucial.

A few weeks later the wall fell.

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Every year Leipzig commemorates the events on October 9, 1989. The program of round anniversaries is particularly extensive.

This year marked the 32nd anniversary of the peaceful revolution.
