The Limited Times

Killed and seven injured in a car accident near Yavne Israel today

10/10/2021, 7:16:32 AM

A truck collided with a vehicle on Road 4 heading south • The injured were evacuated to Assuta Hospital in Ashdod in fair and light condition

A woman was killed and seven were injured this morning (Sunday) in a serious car accident near Yavne on Road No. 4.

The police said that seven wounded with varying degrees of injury were evacuated to Assuta Hospital in Ashdod, and the death of one of the wounded at the hospital was recently determined.

Magen David Adom reported that two young men, aged about 19 and 24, were moderately injured, while five other people were lightly injured.

The road is blocked for traffic in both directions.

Police forces have begun investigating the circumstances of the accident.

MDA paramedic Raziel Yosefovich and Dr. Roi Babila, who were present at the scene of the incident, said: "This is a very difficult and complex accident scene with the involvement of a truck and several vehicles. A young layer in her twenties unconscious, with severe multi-systemic trauma, we provided her with advanced medical care and evacuated her urgently during resuscitation operations when her condition was human.

"The four other passengers got out of the vehicle alone, fully conscious, 2 young people were defined as moderate, they suffered head and limb injuries and two more were defined as mild to moderate and suffered injuries. "When he was slightly injured, we gave them medical treatment and evacuated them for further treatment in the hospitals. The truck driver was examined and did not need medical treatment. He told us that while he was slowing down, he saw flying vehicles in the mirror."

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