The Limited Times

2G option in the supermarket: Kaufland is committed to the corona rule

10/28/2021, 4:32:01 AM

In Hesse and Lower Saxony, supermarkets can use the 2G option. Does the new corona rule threaten unvaccinated people with problems? Kaufland has now taken a stand.

In Hesse and Lower Saxony, supermarkets can use the 2G option.

Does the new corona rule threaten unvaccinated people with problems?

Kaufland has now taken a stand.

Frankfurt - The Corona * measures are constantly being adapted.

After two lockdowns, the increasing vaccination rate and the decreasing hospitalization in the past few months have resulted in some easing.

Many areas of public life have gradually returned to normal with the 3G and 2G options.

The 2G option has now been extended to retail in Hesse and Lower Saxony.

The reason for this was a ruling by the Hessian administrative court following a complaint by a retailer.

The decision now rests with the retail sector as to whether it will only grant access to vaccinated and convalescent people.

Aldi, Lidl and Rewe have already responded to the 2G option *.

Now Kaufland is also joining.

2G option in the supermarket: Kaufland takes a stand on the new corona rule

Are corona-unvaccinated people in Hesse still allowed to go shopping at Kaufland?

This question arises because of the newly applicable 2G option.

This means that supermarkets - including Kaufland - are allowed to refuse unvaccinated consumers entry.

Aldi, Lidl or Edeka had recently resisted the exclusion of the relevant customers.

Kaufland is now following suit.

In a statement, Kaufland announced to *: “As a food retailer that ensures basic supplies, we are not affected by the 2G regulation.

We will not implement this either in or outside of Hesse.

The well-known distance and hygiene rules as well as the mask requirement still apply in our branches. "

2G option in the supermarket: is the corona rule legally possible at all?

It is hardly surprising that discounters such as Aldi, Lidl or now also Kaufland are positioning themselves against the 2G option and in favor of the corona rules. Fewer visitors would simply mean lower sales at the same time. In addition, the German Trade Association (HDE) points out other negative effects for supermarkets: "Checking vaccination records and tests would lead to long queues in front of the shops in these industries." So make a 2G or 3G option when shopping little point.

There is also the delicate legal component.

Using the 2G option in supermarkets would increase the pressure on unvaccinated people enormously.

Supermarkets are part of the basic supply in Germany, which must be guaranteed for all people in Germany.

Implementing the 2G option, especially in rural areas, could ensure that some local residents would no longer have any shopping opportunities.

As Günther Neufeldt from the ZDF editorial office “Law and Justice” suspects, the result would be numerous lawsuits from the people concerned.

And: These could well be encouraged in court, as the expert further explains.

(Nico Scheck)

* and are offers from IPPEN.MEDIA.

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