The Limited Times

League: green light from the Cassation for the 6 referendums on justice

10/29/2021, 7:56:47 PM

Present yourself together with the radicals. Salvini: an opportunity to change (ANSA)

"Green light to the six referendums on Justice, promoted by the Lega and the Radical Party. This was established by the Supreme Court of Cassation, announces the League, accepting the request of the regional councils of Basilicata, Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Liguria, Lombardy, Piedmont, Sardinia, Sicily, Umbria, Veneto. The decision of Piazza Cavour anticipates - and in fact makes it irrelevant - the deposit of certified signatures: between 700 thousand and 775 thousand depending on the question, in addition to 18 thousand electronic subscriptions. The provisional total is 4,275 .000 autographs, but this morning at the Milanese headquarters of the Lega in via Bellerio another 80 thousand arrived "." Matteo Salvini's party has prepared the certified signatures after months of careful checks - reads a note - which saw the mobilization of dozens of parliamentarians,regional councilors and dozens of militants from August 15th to today with the coordination of Roberto Calderoli. The forms with the signatures were distributed in 368 boxes that filled three vans. There are also six hard drives that contain digital signatures and electoral certificates.

    The referendums have received bipartisan support and have mobilized many well-known faces. Among others, the questions were supported by Pierluigi Battista, Maurizio Belpietro, Giulia Bongiorno, Hoara Borselli, Mauro Corona, Mauro Coruzzi aka Platinette, chef Alessandro Circiello, Guido Crosetto, Paolo Del Debbio, Alda D'Eusanio, Vittorio Feltri, Roberto Giachetti, Mario Giordano, Maria Giovanna Maglie, Simonetta Matone, Paolo Mieli, Giovanni Minoli, Augusto Minzolini, Luca Palamara, David Parenzo, Nicola Porro, Gabriella Privitera Corona mother of Fabrizio, Alessandro Sallusti, Vittorio Sgarbi, Sergio Staino, Francesco Storace, Giovanni Terzi, Gaia Tortora, Michele Vietti former vice president of the CSM. Despite Enrico Letta's no, in the Democratic Party they said yes Goffredo Bettini, Giorgio Gori,Luciano Pizzetti (Pd deputy and undersecretary of state with the Gentiloni and Renzi governments), without forgetting other names such as those of senator Gianni Pittella, former socialist, and the MEP Massimo Smeriglio.

    Obviously, all the ministers and governors of the League signed. Support for the referendums was reiterated by Silvio Berlusconi and Giorgia Meloni (albeit with some distinctions on a couple of questions). The centrists of the UDC also joined, with Lorenzo Cesa and Antonio de Poli, and the leader of Italia Viva Matteo Renzi.

    In particular, the referendums concern the reform of the CSM, the direct responsibility of the judges, the fair evaluation of the judges, the separation of careers, the limits to the abuses of pre-trial detention, the abolition of the Severino decree.

    After the go-ahead from the Supreme Court, it is no longer necessary to deposit the signatures scheduled for tomorrow.

"Finally the Italians will have the opportunity to change the Justice! Appointment in the spring. Thanks to those who signed, to those who were present at the gazebos and in the squares, to those who gave a hand", writes on fb the leader of the Lega

Matteo Salvini
